Chapter 186-Prince Michael

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APRIL 19th, 2013

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APRIL 19th, 2013

It has been three years since Prince was born and he was very clearly a mommy's boy from day one. He always wanted to be around Athena, clinging to her like a little koala bear. He ran into the bathroom with her, and always wanted her to give him baths, feed him, and put him to bed. Prince adored his mother in a way that even Michael sometimes felt a pang of jealousy over.

This is what prompted him to follow her around the house one night when Prince was sleeping, "Athena, you are too easy on him! You spoil him so much that he doesn't listen to me. I say no, he goes to you. And then you say the opposite! Like what's the point of me, as his daddy, saying he can't have something or do something if you're just going to give him a different answer the moment he runs to you crying about how 'dad is a meanie' or 'Mommy, Daddy said no but you said yes!'" he exclaimed, exasperation lacing his voice.

"Michael, I don't undermine anyone," Athena rolled her eyes, "He's still a baby."

Michael huffed in frustration, hands on his hips, "Athena, he's three years old! He's not a baby!"

"Quiet down! He's sleeping!" Athena whisper-yelled, before talking as she was before, "And he is still a baby."

"Athena, please, for the love of all things sacred, can we please be on the same page when it comes to disciplining Prince?" Michael pleaded, his tone softer now so as not to wake their son.

Athena furrowed her brows in confusion, "What discipline could a three-year-old possibly need?"

Michael looked at her incredulously, " about learning that when Daddy says no, it doesn't mean run to Mommy and get a different answer? Or how about learning not to always barge into the bathroom when you're in the shower or I'm on the toilet?" He sighed, running a hand through his hair, "Or even when he jumps into our bed in the middle of the night? Or when he only wants to be fed by you, only wants you to change his diaper, only wants you to put him in bed—he only wants cuddles and hugs and kisses from you!"

"Michael, all that is just a phase," Athena shrugged, "He'll get over it eventually."

"Athena, you coddle him too much!" Michael argued.

"Okay, Michael, just calm down," Athena said gently, "First of all, all toddlers bounce back and forth between parents when one says no. Second, it's also normal for kids to barge in the bathroom when one or both parents are in there. Third, kids have nightmares—what are they supposed to do, sit in their bed crying? No, they go to mommy and daddy's bed. And fourthly, he doesn't do that all the time. I carried him for nine months, Michael—he's a mommy's boy! It's nobody's fault, it's just what happens."

"I understand that he's a mommy's boy, Athena," Michael began softly, taking a seat beside her, "But he needs to know he has to respect both of us equally. You know he doesn't even call me 'Daddy'? He calls me 'Michael' sometimes—meanwhile, you get 'Mommy'. I keep telling him, 'No, I'm Daddy'."

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