Chapter 151-Mama Reggie

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MAY 1st, 1999

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MAY 1st, 1999

"Reggie, I don't understand why you wanted to hike a trail," Athena sighed, "You're nine months pregnant, for Pete's sake!"

Reggie chuckled, her hand resting protectively on her large baby bump, "I need to keep moving, otherwise I'll go crazy waiting for this little one to arrive."

Athena shook her head in amusement, falling into step beside Reggie as they continued their leisurely stroll along the nature trail. The sun was shining brightly above them, casting dappled shadows on the ground as birds chirped in the distance. It was a picture-perfect day, and Reggie couldn't have been happier to share it with her favorite half-sister.

"Hey, sis, I think we should—ow!" Reggie exclaimed, cutting herself off mid-sentence as she doubled over in pain, "Athena! I think I'm going into labor!"

Athena took in a deep breath and whispered a silent prayer to the heavens that they were at least close to the car, "Okay, Reggie, just breathe. It's gonna be fine. Do you think you can get to the car?"

Reggie nodded, her face contorted with pain, "I'll do my best. I don't want to have a baby on this trail."

Athena wrapped her arm around Reggie's shoulder, trying to lend some support, "We'll get through this together. Just focus on that."

As they made their way towards the car, Reggie's contractions grew stronger and closer together. Athena could feel the panic rising within her, but she forced herself to stay calm for her sister's sake.

Finally, they reached the car, and Reggie stumbled inside, groaning in pain.

Athena quickly grabbed a bunch of towels, laying them in the truck of the car, "I knew this was gonna happen. I came somewhat prepared."

"Athena, what do I do?" Reggie panicked.

"Reggie, I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure this baby is coming now," Athena said, holding her sister's gaze, "I know you're scared, but this baby is not waiting for a hospital."

Reggie nodded, tears welling up in her eyes as she clutched Athena's hand tightly. "I'm scared, Athena," she whispered, "I don't know if I can do this."

"Cinque minuti di dolore per una vita di felicità," Athena gently spoke in her native tongue, "Five minutes of pain, for a lifetime of happiness. I know you can do this, Reggie—I'm not a doctor, but I'll do my best to help you through this. Contractions are three minutes apart, this baby is not waiting."

Reggie began to bear down, and Athena coached her through each contraction, reminding her to breathe and push through the pain.

"I can't do this," Reggie cried out as her body contorted with each contraction.

"Yes, you can, sis," Athena encouraged, her voice trembling slightly with her own fear, "You are strong, and so is this baby. We'll get through this together."

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