Chapter 20-Floral Day

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Reggie sighed, "How long until he gets back?" she asked, giving in to her half-sister's wishes of waiting to tell Michael about Kayden's latest endeavor

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Reggie sighed, "How long until he gets back?" she asked, giving in to her half-sister's wishes of waiting to tell Michael about Kayden's latest endeavor.

"Three days, I think?" Athena said thoughtfully.

"Okay, fine," Reggie nodded, "Three days. But you need to promise that as soon as he gets back, you will have that conversation."

"I will," Athena nodded in assurance, her voice filled with determination. "Not the second he walks in the door, but I'll talk to him. I'll let him settle in, give him some time to decompress after his trip, and then we can sit down and discuss Kayden."

Reggie smiled, relieved to hear Athena's commitment. "That sounds like a reasonable plan," she agreed, her eyes full of encouragement. "Remember, communication is key in any relationship. It's important to share your thoughts and concerns with each other openly and honestly. Only then can you find a solution together." she added, "You should bring Michael to my wedding."

"Isn't that weird?" Athena made a face, "You can't bring a boyfriend to a wedding!"

"Hena, your man is going to be my brother-in-law one day!" Reggie stated matter-of-factly, "It's only fitting that he gets acquainted with the family soon!"

"I know, but-"

"If you end up not getting married, I will personally hunt him down and kindly demand that he propose—"

"Reggie! Enough of that!" Athena rolled her eyes, slightly embarrassed by her sister in a public place.

"Well, I'm sorry—but, you are happier than I've ever seen you! And it's because of him." Reggie sighed, grabbing onto her half-sisters hand in assurance, "I didn't mean the 'I'll hunt him down' literally. I just meant I don't want you to ever stop being happy. That's why I hope you marry him one day," she added, "And, isn't it his turn to meet your family?" she asked in a pointed voice, "You met his family and from what I heard, they are in love with you!"

"I wouldn't say in love with me." Athena scoffed.

"Every single one of them wants to collaborate with you, they all said you should release a solo album, his mother was playing with your hair, and his sisters barely let you out the door!" Reggie reminded her half-sister of all the things Athena had told her about her visit to the Jackson house.

"I don't even know if he'll be in town that week," Athena sighed, "He might have business to do."

"My wedding is in two weeks. I doubt if he'll have to leave so soon after just coming back."

"Okay, if it makes you get off my back, I will bring the invitation to his attention. But I will not make him come if he doesn't want to," Athena said sternly, her brows furrowing with a tinge of frustration. She couldn't help but feel anxious about the prospect of Michael attending Reggie's wedding. While she understood the significance of introducing him to her family, she couldn't shake off the nagging worry of how he would fit into the dynamic. What if he felt out of place or uncomfortable amidst her relatives? What if they didn't approve of him? Not that she cared about approval. These uncertainties gnawed at Athena's mind, creating a war between her desire to make Reggie happy and her instinct to protect her relationship.

Reggie sensed Athena's unease and reached out to gently squeeze her hand. "I understand your concerns, Hena," she reassured her, her voice soft and understanding. "But remember, our family is accepting and open-minded. They will welcome Michael with open arms. Don't you think it's worth taking a chance and allowing him the opportunity to be a part of this important celebration? After all, weddings are about joining families together and celebrating love."

Athena contemplated Reggie's words, her conflicted emotions waging an internal battle. Deep down, she knew Reggie was right. It was essential to give Michael a chance to navigate the waters of their family dynamics, as daunting as it seemed. She sighed, finally conceding to Reggie's persistent prodding. "Alright, I'll talk to him about it," Athena conceded, her voice tinged with a blend of resignation and determination.

Reggie beamed with gratitude, a sense of relief flooding over her. "Thank you, Hena. I know it's not an easy decision, but I truly believe it'll be worth it." Her eyes sparkled with hope, envisioning a future where both her sister and her future brother-in-law felt embraced and accepted by their extended family.

"You know, Hena," Reggie started, her voice taking on a teasing tone, "I can't wait to see Michael in a suit. I bet he'll pick out something super dapper and look ten times more handsome than he already is."

Athena chuckled, her initial reservations giving way to a faint smile. "He does clean up nicely, that's for sure. Maybe I'll suggest he wears a suit just to make you happy," she quipped with a flicker of amusement in her eyes. Despite her lingering worries, the thought of seeing Michael all dressed up for the occasion ignited a glimmer of excitement within her.

Reggie's laughter resonated through the flower shop, the sound echoing with warmth and affection. "That's the spirit, Hena! Now, let's finish up here and move on to our next checklist item. We've got a wedding to plan!"

"Hey, I just realized something," Athena suddenly perked up, "Is Kayden coming to your wedding?"

Reggie nodded, "Of course, I sent him an invitation!"

"Oh, he better not bring that wife of his to the wedding!" Athena shook her head, "I know I am not ready to meet her."

"Right, the one he married that he doesn't know," Reggie nodded, "I'm not sure I want to meet her either. What if she's a crazy fan and overhears conversations and tells people about our family?"

"My thoughts exactly," Athena shrugged.

"Either way," Reggie suddenly looked at her half-sister sternly, "Michael and you! The two of you better be matching at the wedding!" Reggie's playfulness continued as she teasingly nudged Athena's shoulder. "Matching outfits, huh? That could be interesting. I can already imagine the two of you showing up in complementing colors or coordinating patterns. It would be such a fun way to make a statement as a couple."

Athena's eyebrows shot up in surprise at Reggie's suggestion. "Wait, are you serious?" she asked, a mixture of amusement and skepticism evident in her voice. "Matching outfits? It sounds kind of cheesy...."

Reggie chuckled at Athena's reaction, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Come on, Hena, it'll be adorable! Just imagine the photos we'll have. We'll look back at them in twenty years and reminisce about how fashionable we were."

Athena let out a mock exasperated sigh, but her lips curved upward in a playful smile. "Fine, fine," she relented, her tone laced with feigned reluctance. "I'll bring up the idea to Michael. But don't blame me if he, like myself, thinks it's utterly ridiculous."

Reggie beamed with satisfaction, pleased to have planted the seed of a whimsical plan in her sister's mind. "That's the spirit, Hena! You won't regret it; I promise. And who knows, maybe you'll start a new trend in couple fashion at our wedding. The guests will be in awe of your impeccable style coordination."

"I don't think I have anything remotely close to what he wears half the time." Athena added thoughtfully.

As they continued browsing the heavily decorated aisles of the shops, Athena's mind wandered to the upcoming conversation she would have with Michael about attending the wedding.

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