Chapter 145-Trying New Things

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Michael smacked Athena on the backside before casually walking upstairs, "Come on, baby

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Michael smacked Athena on the backside before casually walking upstairs, "Come on, baby."

"Why do you always smack my ass?" she huffed as she followed behind him.

As they entered their bedroom, Michael shut the door behind them, "Because I like the way it jiggles," he said with a wink.

"Wha—hey!" Athena protested, "That's—"

But her protests were drowned out by Michael's infectious laughter as he pulled her down onto the bed next to him. Athena couldn't help but join in, the sound of their shared laughter filling the room with a sense of joy and lightness that she hadn't felt in days.

As they settled in to begin their TVD marathon, Athena changed into her sweats and cuddled into Michael's side.

It was a nice episode marathon, until a lovemaking scene came on the screen.

Athena blushed as she looked away and Michael smirked, "Hey, you can look at me," he teased, reaching out to gently cup her cheek, "It's just a TV show."

But Athena was still flustered, her cheeks still pink with embarrassment. She looked away again, her hands shielding her face slightly.

Michael chuckled softly, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to him, "You're so cute when you blush," he murmured, nuzzling his nose into her hair.

Athena let out a small sigh, leaning into him. She still felt a little embarrassed, but the warmth of his arm around her helped to ease the discomfort.

"What's the matter?" Michael asked, nuzzling his nose into her cheek, "You don't like sex scenes?"

"It's just weird to watch them with your husband right next to you," Athena mumbled.

"Why is it weird?"

"I don't know. It's just strange," Athena replied, not noticing what he was doing next to her because he had a blanket over his lap, "Can't really explain it."

Michael softly smiled at her as he reached down to pull his erect member out of his pants and touch himself under the blanket, out of her sight, "But maybe we can change that," he whispered, his fingers grazing over his length.

Athena looked up at him, surprise and curiosity in her eyes, "What?"

Michael smiled softly, his eyes never leaving hers as he continued to touch himself, his voice low and seductive, "I want you to watch me pleasure myself while you watch the show. I want you to see what happens when I think about you."

Athena hesitated for a moment, her cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and curiosity. But there was also something else in her eyes—a desire to please him, to connect with him in a new and intimate way.

She nodded slowly, her eyes fixed on his hand as he continued to stroke himself under the blanket.

Michael's breathing grew heavier, his movements more urgent as he stroked himself. His eyes never left Athena's, his gaze deep and hungry, "Come here, baby. Spit on my cock," he grunted, his hips bucking.

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