Chapter 133-Gather At Neverland

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NOVEMBER 11th, 1996

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NOVEMBER 11th, 1996


Lizzo and Prince exchanged worried looks with each other. How could their friend have gone missing so suddenly? They had just spoken to her days prior and Athena seemed fine.

"Prince, where could she possibly be?" Lizzo asked nervously as she watched her husband hang up the phone.

Prince took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing thoughts, "I don't know, Lizzo. But we need to find out. Let's head over to Michael's house and see if we can piece together any clues or find something that might lead us to Athena."

"I'll go pack us overnight bags," Lizzo said before hurrying up the stairs.

In her haste to pack their stuff, Lizzo stumbled upon a printed out selfie she had forced Athena to take with her a few months ago—it was a day that she and Athena took to just go to the beach and Lizzo had to constantly remind Athena to put sunscreen on, but Athena claimed she never burned.

She quickly put the picture in Prince's bag and carried both back down the stairs, "Come on, babe! Time is of the essence!"

Prince grabbed the bags from Lizzo, a sense of urgency spurring him into action. They quickly made their way to Michael and Athena's house in Los Olivos, California—their house more commonly known as Neverland Valley Ranch.


Marlon felt a sense of urgency gripping his heart as he ended the call, a mixture of fear and determination swirling inside him.

Arriving at the house, the siblings found the front door unlocked. Their unease grew as they cautiously entered the silent home, calling out for any sign of Athena. The air felt heavy with unspoken dread, and Marlon's senses were on high alert.

As they searched through the rooms, it became apparent that there was something off about the scene. The house was immaculate, almost eerily so, with no signs of struggle or disturbance. Marlon couldn't shake off the feeling that they were missing a crucial piece of the puzzle.

Just as they were about to regroup in the living room, Jermaine's voice echoed from upstairs. "Guys, you need to see this!"

Marlon's heart skipped a beat as he ran up the stairs, finding Jermaine standing near a puddle of something red.

Austin, Noah, Richard, Christopher, and Lucas—Athena and Kayden's half brothers—looked at each other in shock as they tried to process the scene in front of them. The crimson liquid on the floor seemed to glimmer malevolently under the soft light filtering through the window.

Panic began to set in among the siblings as they exchanged worried glances, the gravity of the situation sinking in.

Katherine's hands flew to her mouth in shock, her eyes brimming with tears, "Oh, dear Lord....what has happened here?"

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