Chapter 116-The Jackson Show

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Across town, Michael was doing a new talk show with his brothers called 'The Jackson Show'

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Across town, Michael was doing a new talk show with his brothers called 'The Jackson Show'. It was a lot like The Real Daytime—just with Boy Chat.

Marlon picked up the card and read the question, "There was an article recently about a woman and her husband staying connected through text messages, rather than talking to each other," he paused dramatically, "Do you believe in talking on the phone? Personally, I need to hear backgrounds so I can guess where Carol is at. Like, is she at the mall spending money? Is she at the doctor? Is she at home? Is she with her girlfriends? You know, I need to hear that stuff." 

"Personally, I hate when Athena texts me," Michael said, adjusting his fedora atop his head, "I need to hear the emotion in her voice, I need to know what tone she's using, you know? Texts are so flat, so dull," he paused, "I need to hear her tone, so I know if she's mad, if she's upset, if she's possibly in tears—I need to hear what's happening in the background, like Marlon said."

Tito chuckled, "I'm with you on that, Mike. Texts can be so misinterpreted without tone. But Jermaine, man, you text like there's no tomorrow! Do you really prefer texting over talking on the phone?"

Randy cleared his throat, preparing to share his thoughts, "I think it depends on the situation, you know? Texting is convenient, especially when you just need a quick answer or don't have time to talk. But I agree with Mike and Tito, nothing beats hearing someone's voice. It adds a whole other layer of connection."

Jermaine grinned, his fingers tapping away on his phone absentmindedly, "I mean, I just find it easier to communicate through texts. Plus, I can respond when I have the time instead of being put on the spot during a call."

Jackie raised an eyebrow, "But what about those important conversations that need instant feedback? You can't rely solely on texting for everything."

Jermaine shrugged, "I guess I'm just more comfortable expressing myself through text. It gives me time to choose my words carefully."

Marlon snorted, "Yeah, like how many times you've edited and revised that text to your crush before sending it!"

Jermaine rolled his eyes playfully, "Hey now, it worked, didn't it?"

Michael playfully rolled his eyes, looking at Tito as he read the next question.

"Do all of you know what 'going commando' means? If you don't, it's when you don't wear underwear or boxers or anything underneath your clothes! And a woman did a personal study where she went commando for a whole week and she actually found that she liked it!" Tito paused, turning back to his brothers, and shook his head, "I can't do the whole 'going commando' thing. I need my boxers for support, man. And sleeping with underwear on? That's a must for me."

Jackie nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I'm with Tito on this one. Gotta have that extra layer of comfort when I sleep."

Marlon raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eye, "Well, well, well, looks like I'm the rebel of the family then. Going commando all the way! It's freeing, you know?"

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