Chapter 41-Scandals Piling Up

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Michael, Bill, and Jerome were sitting in the living room at Athena's house—all of them doing something productive

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Michael, Bill, and Jerome were sitting in the living room at Athena's house—all of them doing something productive. Or trying to, at least.

Michael was writing lyrics for songs on his new album, Jerome was reading security protocol—but goofing off on his computer, and Bill was actually reading the security protocol. 

Jerome looked up, his eyes widening in surprise at the news story that was flashing across the TV, "Guys, look!"

'Kayden Tyler Being Accused of Child Molestation?!'

Michael's hand froze mid-sentence, his heart sinking at the headline. Bill's eyes narrowed as he glanced at the screen, a frown forming on his face before he turned to Michael.

"Wait, Kayden Tyler as in the brother of your fiancé Athena Tyler?!" he asked, a hint of disbelief in his voice, "The guy that came into Neverland and caused a fuss?!"

Athena suddenly burst into the house, "Oh my God! The news!"

The three men turned to look at Athena, her face pale and eyes wide with shock.

"Baby," Michael stood up, his heart pounding in his chest as he reached out to comfort her, "Come here."

"It's not true, it can't be true!" Athena ranted as she paced back and forth, "Oh, my God! Claire! I need to call his wife!"

Michael led Athena to the couch, holding her hand tightly as he tried to calm her down. Bill and Jerome exchanged worried glances, unsure of how to comfort their friend in this moment of distress. The weight of the accusation hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the once peaceful home.

"I was at his house," Athena finally said after ten minutes of pacing and running her hands through her hair, unable to sit down for more than five seconds, "He couldn't have done it. He couldn't have. He's a married man and he and Claire are trying for babies! What the heck is happening?!"

The three men exchanged looks, all sensing she was spiraling into an anxiety attack.

"I should call Kayden and—"

Bill jumped up from his spot and shook his head, "Wait, Athena," he interjected, his voice firm yet gentle, "Let's not jump to conclusions. We need to gather all the facts before we make any decisions. Have you heard from Claire? Maybe she can shed some light on the situation."

Athena nodded, her hands trembling as she reached for her phone. She dialed Claire's number, pacing back and forth as the phone rang. After a few moments, Claire picked up, her voice strained on the other end.

"Athena, have you seen the news?" Claire's voice was thick with emotion.

Athena took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "Yes, I just saw it. Claire, is Kayden okay? Is he with you?"

There was a pause on the line before Claire spoke again, her voice wavering. "Athena, Kayden... he's been arrested. They're saying..." She trailed off, unable to finish her sentence.

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