Chapter 29-The Mysterious Wife

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Athena and Michael were walking around the grounds of the wedding venue

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Athena and Michael were walking around the grounds of the wedding venue. They had a few minutes before they had to go perform. Michael and his brothers had already performed 'I'll Be There' and everyone was just waiting for Athena and Michael to be ready to sing 'I Just Can't Stop Loving You'.

"I'm nervous," Athena admitted as they suddenly stopped walking, "I know I'm a professional, but something about this feels different."

"Because it's your sister's wedding and you're singing in front of your family?" Michael asked as he looked down at her, "You don't need to be nervous. I'll be right there with you."

"I know, it's just different, I guess," Athena sighed as she grabbed onto his hand, "I mother is going to be watching. And she's always judging my every move." she added, realizing that she had been avoiding her mother all day, "At least she did last time I saw her."

"You can't avoid her all day," Michael softly smiled at her, "I know you want to. But you have to speak to her eventually. I doubt she won't come up to you before the day is over."

"You're probably right," Athena nodded in agreement, "I don't want to go anywhere near her, though. Nicole is a freaking....judgmental tyrant." she added, "I know your father wasn't any better, I shouldn't complain when you went through the same thing. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize," Michael shook his head, "I understand what you mean. You haven't seen your mother in five years. It's understandable why you're apprehensive about seeing her again."

"I don't know if I can do this," Athena sighed as she grabbed his wrist to look at the time, "What if I mess up?"

"You won't," Michael assured, "And even if you do, I'll be right next to you."

"I don't know..." Athena trailed off.

"Just look at me." Michael said, his hand reaching up to stroke the side of her face, "Just sing to me. Pretend everyone else isn't there."

As Michael gazed into Athena's eyes, a sense of calm washed over her. She took a deep breath and nodded, feeling reassured by his unwavering support. Together, they walked towards the stage where their microphones stood ready for them.

As they stepped onto the stage, Athena could feel her heart racing in her chest. The room fell silent, all eyes on them. Ignoring the sea of faces before her, she focused solely on Michael standing beside her, grounding here there in that moment instead of focusing on what was happening around them. The music began to play, and Athena's voice filled the room with its melodic beauty.

With each note she sang, Athena felt herself becoming more immersed in the song. Her worries and fears melted away as she poured her heart and soul into the music. Michael's harmonious voice blended seamlessly with hers, almost like they were meant to sing together, their stage chemistry was undeniable as they sang to each other, incorporating some subtle dance, creating a mesmerizing duet that captivated everyone in the audience.

I Just Can't Stop Loving You | Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now