Chapter 43-And....Back Out Again

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As the car pulled up to the grand gates of Neverland, Athena's heart felt heavy with the weight of her decision

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As the car pulled up to the grand gates of Neverland, Athena's heart felt heavy with the weight of her decision. Michael wrapped his arm around her shoulders, offering silent support as they walked towards the main house.

Athena couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped, even as she entered the familiar surroundings of Neverland. She knew that her every move would be scrutinized, her every word twisted by the media machine waiting somewhere in the shadows.

As they settled into the living room, Athena found herself restless, her mind racing with thoughts of what was to come. Michael sat beside her, his presence a comfort and a reminder of the love they shared. Despite the chaos surrounding them, she drew strength from his unwavering support.

"Oh, gosh," Athena suddenly jumped up again, "What if they're outside Kayden's house too?!" she exclaimed, running for the door, "Claire, I'm coming to help you!"

Michael, Bill, and Jerome all stared at each other wide-eyed as Bill realized he no long had Athena's car keys.

"What do we do?" Jerome asked as they watched Athena run into the storm, the thunder and the lightning—the rain coming down like hell.

Michael stood up, a determined look in his eyes as he turned to Bill and Jerome. "We follow her."

Without hesitation, the three men rushed out into the pouring rain, their footsteps splashing through puddles as they tried to catch up to Athena, using the car to keep up with her own.

As they neared Kayden's house, flashes of cameras could be seen in the distance, along with a cluster of reporters huddled under umbrellas. Athena drove right passed the chaos, clearly not caring about the reporters now.

Seeing Michael, Bill, and Jerome approaching, Athena turned towards them with a mix of relief and frustration. "You should have stayed at Neverland," she scolded.

Once they gathered Claire, safely evaded the paparazzi, and got back to Neverland, Michael stood in front of Athena with his hands on his hips, "You should have stayed at Neverland!" he huffed as Janet, Jackie, and Marlon—Michael's siblings—suddenly appeared.

"Hey, guys!" Marlon grinned.

"We saw the news and came to help!" Janet added.

"What were you thinking?! Now my hair is wet! And so is yours!" Michael continued to scold Athena, "And Jackie, Janet and Marlon's—wait, Jackie, Janet, and Marlon?!"

Janet, Jackie, and Marlon shared a knowing look before Janet stepped forward. "We may not be blood, Athena, but you and Michael are engaged—which means you are family. And family sticks together through thick and thin," she said, her voice full of determination.

Jackie nodded in agreement, "We've got your back, Athena," Jackie chimed in, a steely glint in her eyes that mirrored Janet's resolve. "You're not facing this alone."

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