Chapter 78-Phone Call Mayhem

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Athena quickly scurried up the stairs and to one of the spare bedrooms to get the phone, "Hey, big brother

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Athena quickly scurried up the stairs and to one of the spare bedrooms to get the phone, "Hey, big brother."

"Hey, baby sis!" Kayden said, "Oh, my wife is here too!"

"Hey, girl!" Claire said, "What's up?"

"Not much. Just got done being a witness to Michael's interview with Oprah," Athena shrugged, "A lot of people say she's a snake, but she seemed okay."

"Yeah, I heard she can be quite the charmer," Claire added, "But how was Michael during the interview?"

Athena paused for a moment, trying to find the right words to describe Michael's demeanor, "He was his usual self—humble, charming, and honest. He brought up how we're starting a foundation together, which I knew nothing about."

"A foundation?!" Claire's eyes widened in surprise, "Athena, are you saying Michael wants to start a foundation with you?"

"Seems to be the case," Athena said, "It was a surprise to me, but if it's something he wants to do then he has my full support."

Kayden laughed on the other end of the line, "Looks like you're going to become quite the philanthropic power couple, huh?"

"I guess," Athena shrugged, "I don't mind it. I've always been for helping charities and healing the world, so why not do it with the man I love?"

"Amen to that!" Kayden smiled, "Hey, sis—I'm curious, do you plan on making any solo music material any time soon?"

"I haven't really thought about it," Athena sighed, "There's been a lot happening on my end. The foundation, Michael's tour, the Oprah Interview, the Superbowl, and now his 'In The Closet' video shoot with Naomi Campbell—"

"Wait a minute," Kayden said in surprise, cutting off his sister, "That song is his most sensual song!"

"Oh, heck no!" Claire exclaimed, "No way! Even if she is a nice woman, and that's a hard 'if', he can't possibly think this is okay! He's a married man! I know if Kayden were to start making music videos, it would be me or you in them with him! Not some other woman!"

Kayden chuckled on the other end of the line, "That's right, baby! You know I'd never even think about having another woman in my music videos. It's just not right."

"Well, Michael is a different story," Athena said with a sigh, "He just sees it as work, and I shouldn't be jealous, but..."

"And I think if Athena released an album and made music videos, Michael wouldn't like her dancing on another man's crotch!" Claire exclaimed, "He would probably insist on being the one to play the leading man in her videos!"

"Claire is right, Athena," Kayden added, "Michael wouldn't like it if you were grinding on Billy Ray Cyrus or Prince or any other man! I don't think he would tolerate it! He'd probably start firing choreographers and creative directors left and right!"

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