Chapter 149-Midnight Intrusion of a Panicked Sister

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AUGUST 1st, 1998

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AUGUST 1st, 1998

Athena sat on the couch as her half-sister Reggie paced back and forth in front of her.

Reggie wouldn't stop pacing, creating a draft as she ranted, "I swear I took my birth control! How could this happen?! Athena, I am not ready to be a mother!"

"Reggie, you've been married almost seven years," Athena reminded, "How are you not ready?"

Reggie stopped pacing and turned to look at Athena, her eyes filled with fear and uncertainty, "I know, but.....but this wasn't planned, Athena—"

"Most pregnancies aren't planned," Athena interjected.

"We were going to wait a little longer before starting a family," Reggie admitted, her voice quivering with emotion.

"Reggie, listen," Athena sighed, "You don't even know for a fact that you're pregnant. You're just assuming based off a missed period. It's been three days since it was supposed to start, right? Maybe your hormones are off balance; birth control does that."

Reggie's hands trembled as she sank onto the couch next to Athena, her eyes brimming with tears, "I-I can't shake this feeling, Athena. Something just feels.....different," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Reggie, it is 2:30 AM. Everything feels like a crisis in the middle of the night," Athena said as she sat crisscross on the couch, "This only feels so much more dire need, because it's the middle of the night! You're creating a draft and you'll wake my husband up with this yelling."

"Baby?!" Michael's sleepy voice called from their bedroom upstairs, "Where did you go? It's cold! Get back in bed!"

Athena shot Reggie a pointed look, holding a finger to her lips in a shushing gesture, "See what I mean? You're going to wake Michael up with all this yelling," she scolded softly.

Reggie sniffled, wiping at her eyes as she tried to calm down,, "I just.....I don't know what to do, Athena. What if I really am pregnant?"

"Athena!" Michael called again, "What are you doing down there?!"

Athena took a deep breath before calling back to Michael, "It's nothing, Michael! Just getting some water!"

Reggie looked at Athena with a mix of gratitude and anxiety, "What if I can't handle being a mother, Athena? What if I mess everything up?" she whispered, her voice barely audible in the quiet of the house.

Athena placed a comforting hand on Reggie's trembling shoulder, offering a reassuring smile, "Reggie, you are strong and capable. Motherhood may seem daunting, but remember that you won't be alone. You have your husband, your family, and me to support you every step of the way."

Reggie nodded slowly, her expression reflecting a glimmer of hope amid her fears, "Thank you, Athena. I don't know what I would do without you," she admitted, her voice wavering with emotion.

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