Chapter 95-Frenzy of Paparazzi

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May 10th, 1994

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May 10th, 1994

Athena had left Neverland hours ago. It was only Michael, Bill, and Jerome in the house. Despite them being Michael and Athena's security guards, they were all a family.

Michael was reading, Jerome was watching funny videos, and Bill was combing through paperwork when all of a sudden, a devastating news story flashed on the screen.

'Kayden Tyler Rushed To The Hospital!'

"Oh my God," Michael said with wide eyes, "That's Athena's brother!"

"What do we do?" Jerome asked, the same expression as Michael on his face.

"Get my wife on the phone," Michael ordered, "Get a hold of Athena."

"We need to call her. Now." Bill said solemnly, wasting no time in dialing her phone. But there was no answer.

"Please tell me this isn't true," Michael pleaded as he hid his face behind his hands, tears pricking his eyes in fear for his brother-in-law.

"Michael!" Claire ran in with clear anxiety and panic, "Where's Athena? It's Kayden, he....the news! Oh, my God!"

"Did you contact the hospital?" Jerome asked, trying to gain control over the situation.

"Yes, but they won't tell me anything because I'm not his Power of Attorney," Claire said with tears streaming down her face, "I don't know who is!"

"Okay, what we need you to do is call your lawyer," Bill added as calmly as possible despite the severity and fear of the situation, "He may be able to tell you who Kayden's POA is."

Michael immediately sprang into action, his mind racing with worry for Athena and her brother. He grabbed his phone and dialed Athena's number over and over again, each call going straight to voicemail. Panic crept into his voice as he left urgent messages for her to call back immediately.

Meanwhile, Claire was on the phone with her lawyer, frantically explaining the situation and demanding to know who held Kayden's Power of Attorney. Her voice shook with emotion as she tried to keep herself composed, the fear of the unknown gnawing at her insides.

Jerome quickly packed a bag with essentials, ready to rush to the hospital at a moment's notice. Bill was already on the phone, contacting their emergency medical team to prepare for any scenario that may arise. Such as fainting, anxiety attacks, and unintentional injuries due to excessive pacing.

As minutes stretched into what felt like an eternity, the tension in the room was palpable. No one dared to speak, each lost in their own thoughts and fears for Kayden.

"Please, I'm begging you, just tell me who his POA is!" Claire said tearfully into the phone, "This is my husband."

"Okay, ma'am. Let me look," John Lauren, the lawyer said, pulling the file out and skimming through it, "Okay, it looks like he named his sister as his POA."

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