Chapter 126-Sorelle TV

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MARCH 1st, 1996

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MARCH 1st, 1996

The crowd was screaming, ready and waiting for Athena Tyler to make an appearance—they were sitting in the building where Sorelle TV was being held. She's gone from singer, to choreographer, to talk show host. Geez.

Once she made her appearance, her jet black wavy hair bouncing behind her, clad in all black, gold, and leather, the audience was on their feet in an instant.

"Hi!" Athena smiled at the excited crowd, "Nice to see you! How are you?" she asked kindly as she shook the hands of the people in the front row.

The audience erupted into cheers and applause, their excitement palpable in the air as Athena made her way across the stage. She had a magnetic presence that drew everyone in, her charisma filling every corner of the room.

Taking her seat on the couch, Athena adjusted her earpiece and flashed a dazzling smile at the camera. The crowd hushed in anticipation, eager to hear what she had to say.

"Thank you all for being here tonight," she began, her voice smooth and captivating, "We have some very special people joining us today, people whose talent know no bounds. Please personal favorites," Athena paused, "Singers, Songwriters, Dancers, all-around superstars—my husband Michael and my brother-in-laws Jackie, Jermaine, Tito, Marlon, and Randy—The Jackson's!"

The spotlights dimmed momentarily before illuminating a figure dressed in a black and gold suit; his aesthetic matching Athena's and his fedora tilted just so, as he moonwalked onto the stage. The crowd erupted into a frenzy of cheers and applause, their excitement reaching a fever pitch as Michael Jackson stood before them, his iconic presence filling the room.

He was closely followed by his brothers, all of them uncoordinated in their attire, who comically tried to imitate his moonwalk.

Athena rose from her seat, a look of pure adoration on her face as she embraced her husband in a warm hug. The audience watched in awe as the power couple stood together, their connection palpable even from a distance.

"Welcome, gentlemen," Athena said, her voice filled with affection, "It's an honor to have you here with us tonight," she smiled as she hugged her brothers-in-law.

Michael smiled warmly at her before turning to the audience, his magnetic gaze sweeping over the crowd, "Thank you all for the love and support," he said, his voice soft yet commanding. "I'm thrilled to be here with my beautiful wife and my brothers."

The crowd erupted into another round of cheers and whistles, the energy in the room crackling with excitement. As the applause died down, Athena, Michael, and the other Jackson's took their seats side by side, their chemistry evident in the easy way they exchanged glances and subtle touches.

"So, Michael," Athena said as they got comfortable on the couch, "What is it that you think makes our relationship work?"

"That fact that you respect me and I respect you," Michael said after a moment of thought.

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