Chapter 35-Beyond The Shower Veil

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Michael's heart skipped a beat at Athena's confession, his eyes widening in surprise and delight, "I love you too," he hurriedly pressed his lips to hers, basking in the sweetness of the moment as they stood together in the warm embrace of the shower

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Michael's heart skipped a beat at Athena's confession, his eyes widening in surprise and delight, "I love you too," he hurriedly pressed his lips to hers, basking in the sweetness of the moment as they stood together in the warm embrace of the shower.

The water continued to cascade down on them, a soothing backdrop to their shared declaration of love. As they kissed, it felt like time had stopped, the outside world fading away as they were lost in each other's presence.

When they finally parted, their eyes locked in a silent understanding that went beyond words. Athena felt a sense of peace and completeness wash over her, knowing that she was truly loved and accepted by Michael. He wrapped her in a tight embrace, holding her close as if never wanting to let her go.

"I've been waiting to hear you say that," Michael whispered against her ear, his voice filled with emotion. "I love you more than words can express, Athena."

Athena buried her face in his chest, breathing in his familiar scent as she allowed herself to fully be present in the moment, "I love you." she repeated with a smile.

"I love you too." Michael said as he gently caressed her skin and kissed her neck, "Do you want to wash my hair?"

Athena blushed at Michael's suggestion, her heart fluttering with excitement. She knew it was a common grooming chore, but to do it for her partner, the man she loved, felt like a bonding experience she was eager to share. She reached for the shampoo and began to lather his hair, feeling a rush of intimacy as she nuzzled her face into his wet hair.

She repeated the process with the conditioner and rinsed it out again before reaching for his body wash, "Can I?" she asked as she bit her lip.

Michael smiled at her hesitation, appreciating her willingness to be vulnerable and trust him. "Of course," he reassured her, "I'm all yours. You can do whatever you want."

Athena hesitated for a moment, her nerves getting the best of her, but she took a deep breath and slowly began to soap his back, making sure to massage it gently. Michael closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation of her touch, feeling more connected to her with every passing second.

"You're so warm," Athena said softly, her voice filled with awe.

Michael chuckled lightly, turning around to face her. "And you're so beautiful," he replied, his gaze locked on her eyes.

Athena's cheeks flushed red, but she didn't look away. Instead, she reached up and gently caressed his face, tracing the lines of his jaw with her fingertips, "I know you're self-conscious about your Vitiligo, but I think it makes you more beautiful. I see you as a work of art."

Michael's eyes widened with surprise and gratitude at Athena's words. A sense of relief washed over him as he realized that the insecurity he had been carrying around was unwarranted. He leaned in and kissed her gently, their tongues meeting in a passionate exchange that spoke volumes of their love for each other.

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