Chapter 66-Mayhem at 45,000 Feet

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AUGUST 29, 1992

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AUGUST 29, 1992

Janet, Rebbie, and LaToya pulled up to Neverland, where the wedding was being held. As they got there, Randy and Jackie frantically ran up to them.

"Thank goodness you're here!" Randy exclaimed, his voice slightly panicked, "Michael has turned into Groomzilla!"

"I swear he was about to kill all of us about an hour ago!" Jackie added in the same tone.

As they entered the main hall, they were met with a whirlwind of activity. Marlon was still frantically searching for Michael's tie, Tito was double-checking the flower arrangements, Randy was trying to pacify an irate Jermaine over the music selection, and Jackie was attempting to film everything at once.

Michael stood in the center of the chaos, looking both flustered and determined. His eyes lit up when he caught sight of his sisters entering the room.

"Janet! LaToya! Rebbie!" Michael exclaimed, relief evident in his voice as he hurried over to them, "Thank goodness you're here. I don't know what I would do without you! Where's Athena? Is she here?"

Janet, Rebbie, and LaToya all looked at each other, "Um....."

Marlon, seeing the tension, decided to intervene, "Hey, Michael, why don't you take a moment to relax? Everything is under control," he said with a reassuring smile.

Michael took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. He trusted his brothers and sisters to handle any last-minute details, and he knew that Athena was worth waiting for.

As Michael walked away to check on his other brothers, Marlon turned to his sisters, "Where's Athena?!" he whisper-yelled.

Janet, Rebbie, and LaToya exchanged worried glances before LaToya finally spoke up, "She had a last-minute errand to run."

"What do you mean, a last-minute errand?" Marlon's voice rose in panic as he scanned the room.

"She mentioned something about surprise for Michael," Janet added quietly.

"What....what kind of surprise couldn't wait until after the wedding?" Marlon asked with wide eyes as Jackie and Randy walked over to join the conversation.

"What's going on?" Randy asked.

"Apparently we have Athena running a last-minute errand!" Marlon huffed, "It's a surprise for Michael."

LaToya couldn't help but smile, "That surprise is a person!"

"Okay, we should tell you guys the truth," Janet said, "Athena went to get Liz!" she whispered, making sure Michael couldn't hear, "And she went to get Prince too! Along with Lionel Richie and Steve Harvey."

"Are you serious?!" Kayden exclaimed as he walked over, "They're all coming here?"

"She'll never make it in time!" Jackie said with wide eyes, "Prince is in Minnesota, which is over a thousand miles away!"

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