Chapter 118-Solace In Thunderstorms

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A particularly loud clap of thunder caused Kayden to jump up from his bed and run straight for Michael and Athena's room, not even bothering to knock as he was well aware they were both asleep.

Here's the backstory: Kayden and Claire had a pretty explosive fight and Kayden ended up leaving their house and calling his sister, who talked to her husband and the mutual decision was to allow him to sleep over.

In his haste, Kayden clumsily jumped onto the foot of their bed.

The sudden intrusion woke Michael up, and he blinked to adjust to the darkness, "Kayden? What the heck are you doing in here?" 

Kayden's face was pale in the dim moonlight filtering through the curtains as he stammered out, "S-sorry to wake you guys up, but the thunder— it's really bad out there, Mike! I-I can't handle it, man." His voice cracked with genuine fear, his eyes darting nervously towards the window where another flash of lightning illuminated the room.

Michael looked at his brother-in-law in concern before wrapping his arms around his wife and pulling her closer, causing her to stir slightly, "Go on the other side of her," he mumbled.

Athena instinctively cuddled closer to Michael, still asleep and unaware of what was happening.

Kayden quickly scrambled to the other side of the bed, "I know this must be weird to have your brother-in-law in your bed, man, but I'm scared to death!"

Michael chuckled softly at Kayden's antics, sharing a knowing look with his brother-in-law in the darkness, "It's okay, Kayden. Just relax. You're safe here."

"Mikey," Athena muttered, half asleep, "What's going on?"

Michael pressed a tender kiss to Athena's forehead, whispering soothingly, "It's just Kayden, baby. You're okay, sweetheart. Go back to sleep."

Athena mumbled in acknowledgment, snuggling closer to Michael and drifting back into a peaceful slumber.

As the storm raged on outside, Michael's arms stayed around Athena as he drifted back to sleep. Athena, seemingly loving his embrace, subconsciously nuzzled closer to him.

Kayden, feeling out of place but grateful for the solace of their bed, eventually calmed down as he listened to the steady rhythm of Athena and Michael's breathing. The storm gradually subsided, replaced by the gentle sound of raindrops against the window.

In the quiet aftermath of the tempest, a sense of peace settled over the room. Kayden, now feeling a bit embarrassed by his earlier panic, shifted to get up from the bed, careful not to disturb the sleeping couple. Just as he was about to leave, Michael's voice stopped him.

"Hey, Kayden," he whispered softly, "You don't have to leave. Stay if you want."

Surprised by Michael's offer, Kayden hesitated before giving a small nod, "Thanks, bro," and with that, Kayden settled back under the covers.

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