Chapter 79-Family Gossip

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The rest of them sat in silence for a solid minute before Marlon yelled, "Oh hell no! Athena, get back on the phone! Athena! Guys, she's gone isn't she?"

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The rest of them sat in silence for a solid minute before Marlon yelled, "Oh hell no! Athena, get back on the phone! Athena! Guys, she's gone isn't she?"

"Yeah, she left a couple minutes ago," Jackie said, "She hung up."

After another twenty minutes of discussion, Marlon hung up the phone and started pacing in his house.

His wife Carol got concerned and started massaging his shoulders, "What's wrong, honey?"

Marlon turned to Carol with a troubled expression, "It's Athena. She's in a tough spot with Michael's upcoming music videos. He's planning to kiss Iman and dance intimately with Naomi Campbell, all while not even knowing her birthday. It's a total mess, and she feels she can't confront him about it because it's his career."

"Oh, dear," Carol frowned, "Maybe I should call her."

"No, let me call Tito, Randy, and Jermaine first," Marlon sighed as he quickly texted all of them to call him. When they did, he made it a four-way call, "Brothers, we have a problem."

Tito, the voice of reason, frowned, "What's wrong, Marlon?"

Randy, being the youngest of the brothers, has always been the one to want to be involved in the family gossip, "Ooh! What's happening?!"

Jermaine rolled his eyes, "Randy, chill. Marlon sounds serious."

Marlon took a deep breath before sharing the troubling news with his brothers, "Athena is in a tough spot. Michael is set to film two music videos—one with Iman involving a kiss and another with Naomi Campbell where they'll dance intimately. And get this, he doesn't even know Athena's birthday after all these years! She feels like she can't say anything because it's Michael's career and she doesn't want to overstep his boundaries."

Tito, being the second eldest and most level-headed of the brothers, spoke first, "They just got married six months ago!"

Jermaine's brows furrowed in concern, "Hold up, Michael's doing what now? Kisses and dirty dancing with other women in his music videos? And Athena is just supposed to stay quiet about it? That doesn't sit right with me. We can't just stand by and watch this happen."

"This is basically cheating on Michael's part!" Randy exclaimed, "Grinding on and kissing other women, even for the sake of art—it's still cheating! Am I wrong?"

"You're definitely not wrong, Randy," Jermaine said, "Guys? Mother is calling me. I'm adding her in."

After a few minutes of silence, Katherine's voice came through the line, her tone immediately concerned, "Boys, what's going on? Jermaine mentioned there's a problem. Is everything alright?"

Tito took charge of the conversation, "Mother, we need to talk about Michael and Athena. Michael is set to film these music videos with other women, kissing one and dancing intimately with another. And the worst part is, he doesn't even know Athena's birthday."

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