Chapter 155-Melody McCarthy's Dream Comes True

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Melody flung her front door open in excitement, "Athena, Cheryl, welcome!" Melody greeted them with open arms, her eyes gleaming with excitement

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Melody flung her front door open in excitement, "Athena, Cheryl, welcome!" Melody greeted them with open arms, her eyes gleaming with excitement. She ushered them inside her cozy home studio, where the air was rich with the scent of creativity and possibility.

Athena couldn't help but feel a surge of nostalgia as she took in the familiar surroundings, the walls adorned with gold records and memorabilia from their days in Sorelle.

Cheryl's eyes widened in awe at the sight of Melody's impressive studio setup, "Wow, this place is amazing!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with admiration.

Melody beamed at Cheryl's enthusiasm before turning her attention back to Athena, "So, Athena, tell me everything. What made you decide to dive back into music again?" she asked, curiosity evident in her expression.

"Well, I've been thinking about it for a while," Athena said truthfully, "I was just so hesitant because....well, you know what happened with the comparisons in Sorelle."

Melody nodded knowingly, her expression sympathetic, "I understand your concerns, but trust me—this time will be different. You have grown so much as an artist since Sorelle, and this solo project will be a chance for you to truly shine in your own light," she reassured.

"My father, my brothers, and my husband have been very encouraging," Athena nodded, "I have their support, and Cheryl has been cheering me on as well. I feel ready to take this step now."

"Oh my God!" Melody exclaimed, "You're married now?! To who?! When?!"

"Don't freak out when I tell you," Athena said with a smile, "You'll never believe me."

"Try me," Melody urged, her eyes widening with excitement.

"Let's give you a hint!" Cheryl grinned, "He's a bit of a....Smooth Criminal."

Melody's eyes widened in disbelief, a gasp escaping her lips as realization dawned on her, "No way.....Michael Jackson?!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her shock.

Athena nodded with a grin, delighted by Melody's reaction, "Yes, the one and only," she confirmed, her heart glowing with love for her husband.

Melody's excitement was contagious as she clasped her hands together in excitement, "This is incredible news! Athena Tyler married to Michael Jackson and making a comeback in the music industry. It's like a dream come true!" she gushed, her mind already racing with creative ideas for their collaboration.

Cheryl couldn't help but chuckle at Melody's overjoyed reaction, feeling grateful to witness such a significant moment in Athena's life. The studio seemed to buzz with an electric energy, filled with the promise of new beginnings and endless possibilities.

As they settled into comfortable chairs, Melody wasted no time diving into details for things she had been thinking of specifically for Athena for years.

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