Chapter 61-Bora Bora Bash

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Athena, Michael, Janet, Claire, Rebbie, LaToya, Jackie, Jermaine, Marlon, Tito, Randy, and Kayden were all in Bora Bora for Michael and Athena's week-long Bachelor and Bachelorette Parties.

They spent their days lounging on the pristine beaches, sipping cocktails under the shade of palm trees, and indulging in luxurious spa treatments. As the sun began to set, they gathered around a crackling bonfire on the beach, the warm glow casting a soft light on their faces. Laughter filled the air as they shared stories and reminisced about old times. Suddenly, a distant sound caught their attention—the rhythmic beat of drums growing louder with each passing moment. Curious, they followed the sound to the edge of the beach where a group of locals were performing a traditional Polynesian dance.

The dancers moved with grace and precision, their movements telling a story of love and adventure. Mesmerized by the performance, Athena and Michael locked eyes, sharing a silent moment of understanding and connection amidst the beauty of Bora Bora.

When everyone went to return to their rooms for the night, Janet, Claire, Rebbie, and LaToya whisked Athena away to the girls' hotel room and Marlon, Jackie, Tito, Randy, Kayden, and Jermaine had trouble holding Michael back from following Athena. He hated sleeping without her.

"Michael, you can't sleep with Athena until your wedding," Jermaine sighed, "Which is another week from now. And the day before, you can't see her at all."

"But I can't stand to be apart from her," Michael protested, his eyes filled with longing.

Jackie clapped a hand on his shoulder, "I know, little brother, but the wait will make your reunion all the sweeter. Trust me on this one."

"But what if she needed me to calm her down or if she can't sleep?" Michael asked, his voice tinged with worry.

Jermaine chuckled and shook his head, "Athena is a strong woman, Michael. She can handle a few nights without you. Just think of it as practice for when you're married."

"Yeah, I mean if you think about it," Jackie said, "One of you is bound to go on tour at some point. Which would mean the other would be left at Neverland to sleep alone."

"Not if she comes with me and I go with her on tours!" Michael exclaimed, "Or if we combine our tours! Both of us tour together at the same time!"

"Is that possible?" Tito asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"You would have to release your albums around the same time," Randy added.

Marlon, with a mischievous glint in his eye, interjected, "What if you two did a world tour together? The King and Queen of Pop on stage, thrilling audiences all over the globe."

"Oh! Athena Tyler and Michael Jackson World Tour!" Jermaine added with wide eyes, "The headlines that would make!"

"Now that would be something no one has ever seen before!" Randy grinned.

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