Chapter 13-Hayvenhurst

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As Michael stepped into Athena's mansion and closed the front door behind him, he called out her name to grab her attention

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As Michael stepped into Athena's mansion and closed the front door behind him, he called out her name to grab her attention. "Athena! Are you here? I noticed your car parked outside," he exclaimed, his voice echoing through the spacious foyer.

Athena appeared from around the corner, a bright smile on her face as she walked towards him. Wrapping her arms around his torso, she greeted him with genuine warmth. "Hey there," she said, her voice filled with affection. "How are you?" Athena asked, genuinely interested in his well-being.

Feeling her embrace, Michael returned her affectionate gesture and beamed down at her. "I'm doing great," he replied, a hint of excitement in his voice. "How about you?" he asked, genuinely curious about her state of mind.

Athena let go, mindful not to overwhelm him, and replied earnestly, "I'm doing well, thank you." She paused for a moment, her curiosity piqued. "But why are you here?" she asked, a mild sense of confusion in her voice. "Not that I mind having you here, but there must be a reason, right?"

Michael's eyes sparkled as he revealed the purpose of his visit. "I came here to ask if you would accompany me to Hayvenhurst," he explained. "It's the family house where my parents reside. Though technically, it belongs to my parents, some of my siblings still call it home. I left in 1988 after purchasing Neverland," he shared, a touch of nostalgia in his voice.

Athena's eyebrows raised in genuine surprise as she absorbed the information. "You want me to meet your parents?" she asked, a mix of anticipation and apprehension evident in her tone. "And your siblings? While I had the pleasure of meeting your brothers, who are amazing, I can't help but wonder if your sisters will see me in the same light."

Michael countered her worries with confidence, his voice brimming with reassurance. "Janet and Rebbie would never harbor any negativity," he said, his voice filled with utmost belief in his siblings. "And even though LaToya doesn't come around often due to her marriage to a man named Jack Gordon, she's certainly not capable of harboring any ill feelings."

Athena's eyes widened at the mention of Jack Gordon's name. Immediately, she tried to conceal her suspicion, shaking her head dismissively. "Oh, I've heard of him," she blurted out unintentionally. "They say he's quite a nasty character, but perhaps it's just rumors," she added quickly, hoping not to alienate Michael with her doubts.

Intrigued by Athena's reaction, Michael took a seat on the plush couch and gestured for her to join him. "What do you mean by 'nasty'?" he inquired, a twinge of concern coloring his voice. "He's been keeping LaToya away from us, from the family," he explained, his voice tinged with frustration. "He's convinced her that we kidnapped her, and he's doing it all in the name of her protection. It's hard for me to understand. We used to be so close, but ever since he came into her life..." Michael trailed off, his voice heavy with a mixture of longing and disappointment.

"She changed?" Athena empathized with Michael's predicament and nodded sympathetically. "People can change when they're in a relationship," she remarked, her voice tinged with understanding. "It's natural for you to want your sister back. And it's the same for your parents; they simply want their daughter to return home."

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