Chapter 158-Hallway Eruption

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August 28th, 2001

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August 28th, 2001

Athena and Michael were in New York for work-related reasons. Michael some had meetings, but he was completely free today. All the while, Athena was scrambling to get ready for her own meeting.

"Athena, can you just stop for a minute, please?" Michael sighed as he watched her rush around, "You've barely spoken to me since I brought up Brittany."

"Like I said," Athena shrugged, "You do whatever you want."

"Athena, I'm not interested in—"

"Do whatever you want, Michael," Athena said as she picked up her purse and headed toward the door of the hotel room.

Michael quickly sidestepped her and cut her off, "Athena, I know you're upset about the idea of Brittany performing with me, but please listen to me," he pleaded, his eyes searching hers for any sign of understanding.

"I'm not upset," Athena said with a blank face as she slid her sunglasses onto her nose, "Like I said—you do you, honey."

Michael watched as Athena walked away, a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. He knew he had to make things right with her before it was too late. He quickly followed her out of the hotel room and caught up to her just as she was about to go into the elevator.

"Athena, please wait," Michael called out, his voice tinged with urgency as he reached for her hand to stop her in her tracks.

Athena turned to face him, her expression guarded, "Michael, I have a meeting to get to," she replied coolly, attempting to mask the turmoil brewing beneath the surface.

"I know you're upset about Brittany," Michael began, choosing his words carefully, "But I want you to know that you are the only woman in my heart. I would never do anything to jeopardize what we have."

Athena refused to allow her facade to waver, shaking her head, "Well, you've already proven that's a lie," she shrugged, pressing the 'down' button on the elevator.

"Baby, this is ridiculous!" Michael sighed.

"Do you find her....attractive?" Athena asked with a clenched jaw, "If you do, go ahead and be with her. I'll sign the papers," she shrugged as she saw her dog coming out of their room, "Come on, Buddy. Come with me."

Buddy barked happily and followed Athena into the elevator, wagging his tail in excitement.

"Athena, no, that's not what this is about!" Michael's voice rose slightly in frustration as he tried to make her understand, his hand reaching out to grasp her arm gently, "I don't find her attractive! I love you, only you. Please, let's talk about this."

And that was when the.....debate escalated and they both started yelling at each other, throwing insults and accusations at each other that they both knew weren't true. But it wasn't like they had to worry about noise; they booked the whole top floor of the building to avoid chaos from rowdy fans and media. 

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