Chapter 184-Crowded Hospital Room

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FEBRUARY 13, 2010

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FEBRUARY 13, 2010

"Athena, little sister, not that I don't love spending time with you," Austin said, "But you are nine months pregnant! You could have that baby at any second!"

Athena chuckled softly, a hand resting on her swollen stomach as she walked beside her brother, "I know, Aust. But the doctor said light exercise might help get things moving along."

Austin shook his head in amused disbelief, "Only you would be out for a stroll in the middle of nowhere when you're about to pop. But hey, whatever works!" he sighed, "Does Michael know about this?"

"Uh.....sure!" Athena smiled innocently, "He totally knows."

"Athena!" Austin sighed, unsure whether to be amused or upset at her lack of care to the fact that she could quite literally go into labor on the grass, "You know he doesn't want to miss out on anything, especially when it's about you and the baby. He'd be mad if he knew you were out here without him knowing."

Athena rolled her eyes playfully, "Oh, come on! I'm just walking around, it's not like I'm skydiving or something!"

As they rounded a bend in the path, Austin noticed he was way ahead of her so he turned to her with a frown, "Athena, what's wrong? Are you okay?" he asked, "Why are you all the way back here?" he added as he walked back a few paces to meet her.

Athena placed a hand on her brother's arm for support, her face contorted in pain as she replied, "I think.....I think it's time."

Panic briefly flickered across Austin's face before he quickly composed himself, his voice steady as he said, "Okay, okay. Let's get you to the hospital," he said as he picked her up and put her in the car before he started driving to the hospital, "I'll call Michael, you just breathe."

"Call Prince and Lizzo too!" Athena exclaimed with a groan, "Call Paisley Park in LA! He has two! Call Michael, get my husband on the damn phone! Austin, drive! What are you doing?!"

Austin, understanding his sister's frustration was not aimed at him, immediately used his car to dial all these people, "Prince, can you hear me?" he asked, "Is your wife with you?"

"Yes, Austin, we're here," Prince's voice crackled through the speaker of the car. "What's going on? Is everything okay?"

"Prince, I'm in labor!" Athena screeched, "Get your asses down here!"

Athena clutched onto her brother, feeling the weight of impending motherhood pressing down on her as they sped towards the hospital. Contractions came in waves, each one more intense than the last, but amidst the pain, there was an underlying sense of excitement and wonder at the life about to enter the world.

Austin dialed Michael as he broke so many traffic laws to get to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, "Mike! We have a problem!"

Michael's voice crackled through the phone, filled with concern and urgency, "What's going on, Austin? Is Athena okay?"

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