Chapter 102-Plan In Action

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February 7th, 1995

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February 7th, 1995

Athena watched them bounce ideas off of each other, having a moment of deep thought, "Okay, how about this? A lot simpler," she finally spoke up, "How about I just ask Michael for his wallet or his phone?"

"Why would he give you either of those things without question?" Reggie asked.

"I mean....he probably would," Janet said.

"I don't see why he wouldn't...." LaToya trailed off in thought, "They are married."

"But how do we know he would just.....give you his wallet? Doesn't he have credit cards and cash and whatever else in there?" Renae asked with a raised eyebrow, "And the phone...."

"Fair point, you do have a point," Athena said, "I've never asked him for his wallet or his phone before," she said before looking at her sisters-in-law Janet and LaToya, "What do you think? Should I do it?"

Janet and LaToya exchanged glances, silently conveying their agreement.

"I mean, you are his wife, so I don't see why he would say no," Janet said.

"Just be casual about it," LaToya added with a small smile.

Athena nodded and crawled toward the end of the table, stopping where she originally dropped down under it. She poked her head out from the tablecloth and appeared between Michael's legs, "Hi, baby!"

"Hey, sweetheart," Michael looked down at Athena with a warm smile, unaware of the chaos unfolding beneath the table.

Athena pushed her head closer to him and kissed the air, as if making an unspoken request.

"Kiss?" Michael chuckled at Athena's request and leaned down to give her a quick kiss on the lips, his affection for his wife evident in his smile.

"Baby?" Athena smiled innocently, "Can I borrow your phone? I hate twiddling my thumbs and my battery died."

Michael smiled, happy she was comfortable enough to ask. He reached into his pocket and handed her his phone without hesitation, "Of course, babe. Don't worry about it."

As Athena swiped the screen, she saw a picture of herself and Michael on their wedding day—and that was when she knew his phone didn't get caught in the crossfire. As she pretended to play on it by opening one of the games, she asked, "Hey, baby? Do you happen to have cash on you? I wanted to get another drink, but I left my wallet in the car. And I think my credit card is in there somewhere." 

Michael chuckled, reaching for his wallet, "Sure thing, baby," he said, handing her his wallet without a second thought.

"Thank you, Mikey," Athena smiled sweetly, pecking his lips, "I love you," she added, disappearing under the table before he could react.

As Athena settled back into her spot beneath the table, she could feel a sense of relief wash over her. With Michael's wallet and phone now in her possession, she glanced at her sisters, "Okay, so my husband's wallet and phone managed to evade the disaster, but that doesn't mean the same for your husbands."

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