Chapter 113-Trapped On Both Sides

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AUGUST 3rd, 1995

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AUGUST 3rd, 1995

The staff erupted into chaos, scrambling to run in the opposite direction as Michael, only to run right into Athena who had her arms crossed with a stern look on her face, trapping them between herself and her husband, "What's going on here?"

The staff members froze in their tracks, caught between Athena's piercing gaze and Michael's amused expression. Alan and Adrian exchanged guilty looks, realizing they had been caught red-handed in their attempt to manipulate the situation. Maria's face turned beet red, knowing she had overstepped with her earlier comment. Bill and Jerome could only stammer incoherently, unable to come up with a plausible excuse for the chaos that had ensued in their employers' absence.

Athena's eyes narrowed as she surveyed the chaotic scene before her, a mixture of disappointment and frustration evident in her features, "I leave you all alone for one day, and this is what happens?" she said, her voice laced with a hint of exasperation.

Michael stepped forward, his tone light but firm as he addressed the staff members, "It seems we have a little situation here. Care to explain what's going on?" he asked, a knowing smile playing on his lips.

The staff members exchanged nervous glances, unsure what to do. Even Bill and Jerome gulped in nerves.

"Uh..." Adrian trailed off before looking at her fellow staff members, "Run!"

"Hm. First, you try to run from Michael," Athena said in curiosity, "Now you try to run from me."

"You're right, baby," Michael said, with a fake agitated expression on his face, "They did try to run from us."

Athena's gaze swept over the group with a mixture of amusement and disappointment. "I never took you all for the running type," she remarked dryly, her tone tinged with humor despite the serious situation.

The staff members all looked at each other, silently conveying their agreement.

"Ooh!" Athena grinned, "Are we playing tag?!"

At her words, everyone started screaming, including Bill and Jerome.

"Mikey," Athena called, "I have an idea!"

Michael's eyes lit up with excitement at Athena's words, eager to see what clever plan she had come up with this time, "I'm listening," he replied, a grin spreading across his face as he watched her with anticipation.

"I think it's time for an emergency drill," Athena said with a small smirk, "To test Bill and Jerome."

Michael's eyes lit up at the suggestion, "I like it! What are you thinking?"

"Maybe we should see how they would react if we were running away from them?" Athena said with a sparkle in her eyes.

Michael grinned mischievously at Athena's suggestion, excited to see how Bill and Jerome would handle the role reversal. "I can already imagine their faces when they realize the tables have turned," he remarked, his voice filled with anticipation.

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