Chapter 72-Fulfilling A Promise

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As Athena Tyler walked back into Neverland Valley Ranch for the first time in two weeks—now a married woman—her husband Michael Jackson trailing behind her, she felt a sense of peace wash over her

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As Athena Tyler walked back into Neverland Valley Ranch for the first time in two weeks—now a married woman—her husband Michael Jackson trailing behind her, she felt a sense of peace wash over her.

They had just gotten back to California from their honeymoon in Italy and Athena was so happy to be back, meanwhile, Michael came back begrudgingly—he wanted to stay in Italy and shower Athena in love and affection for the rest of their lives.

But reality called them back, with work commitments and responsibilities waiting for them in the Los Angeles and Los Olivos areas. As they strolled through the lush greenery of Neverland, Athena couldn't help but notice a change in Michael. His usually bright eyes seemed clouded with a hint of sadness, his famous smile not reaching his eyes.

Michael pulled her into his arms, his voice soft as he whispered in her ear, "Will you finally move in we have to have another.....debate?"

Athena gently smiled as she leaned her head back to look at him, "What debate?" she asked softly, "There's been so many."

"The one about you coming to live here full-time instead of just.....packing overnight bags and 'sleeping over', only for you to have to go back to the mansion to get more clothes and disappear from 7:00 to 7:00."

Athena pursed her lips and turned around in his arms, "Mikey, you know I have to work. The mansion is where my office is."

"No, you don't have to w—"

"Work?" Athena finished his sentence, "You know I can't stop working, Mikey. I'd go nuts."

"But you never go into an actual office setting," Michael reminded, "You work from home most of time, unless you're choreographing or attending meetings in LA—and even then, you set your own schedule."


"But your time is valuable. I want you here with me, not splitting your days between two places," Michael pleaded, his eyes searching hers for understanding.

Athena pursed her lips in thought before sighing, "What about when you go on tour again? We won't be together then." she said, trying to make him see it from her perspective.

"You can come with me!" Michael said eagerly, his face brightening at the thought of having Athena by his side on tour.

"Mikey, you need your space too. And I'm not just talking about this upcoming tour," Athena sighed, "I'm talking about any tour you go on—the one coming up or even ones in the future."

As Athena mentioned the future tours, a shadow crossed Michael's face. He knew she was right. Being on tour meant long days and nights of performances, press events, and endless traveling. It was a lifestyle that demanded all of his attention, leaving little room for anything else.

He ran a hand through his hair, the curls bouncing back into place as he struggled to find the right words. "I want you with me, Athena. I want you by my side every step of the way," he said earnestly, "I don't want us to be apart for long stretches of time if there's a way to prevent it."

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