Chapter 140-Fun Turns To Work

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FEBRUARY 10th, 1997

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FEBRUARY 10th, 1997

Athena Tyler never thought she would feel like a worker. She had spent her whole career, up until now, doing things for fun—making money off of it was an added bonus. But now, as she contemplated the last few months as she traveled with her husband for his tour—she had to look at things from another perspective.

She wasn't performing with him, no—and she didn't want to either—but she was running around backstage, making sure everything was in order, making sure rehearsals always ran smoothly, ensuring the show had no problems—which meant she also handled all of the people who work for Michael. The dancers, the band, the sound crew, the stagehands, the glam squad—you name it, Athena was the one handling it.

Athena took this responsibility very seriously, although sometimes she felt she was playing the role of a manager as well—but she didn't mind. She was very proud of her husband for doing something in his career and she couldn't be happier for him.

And with all that being said, it also meant that she took the phone calls of the people calling out sick. And that gave her the responsibility of delivering the news to Michael.

As Athena walked next to her personal assistant, or someone who had become like her personal assistant—whose name was Charlie—she ran her hand through her hair in subtle frustration.

"This is nothing like I thought it would be," Athena sighed, "But I like being busy."

Charlie nodded sympathetically, "I know it's tough, Athena, but you're doing an incredible job. Michael is lucky to have you by his side through all of this."

"Can I tell you something?" Athena asked with a frown.

"Of course, Athena. You can tell me anything," Charlie replied, giving her a reassuring smile as they continued walking through the bustling backstage area.

"I never imagined myself going from a pop sensation in my own career, to being like....a manager to my husband," Athena said as she leaned against a wall, "Don't get me wrong, I love Michael—it's just that I feel like I'm more of a manager than anything else right now. I didn't tell Michael about this, but before he asked me to join him on tour, I was working on writing some songs," she added, "And I mean....I don't mind managing his career and being here to hold down the fort, but it's an exhausting task sometimes."

Charlie listened attentively, understanding the weight of Athena's words, "I can only imagine how you must be feeling, Athena. It's a big adjustment, but remember, you're not just a manager or a worker. You're his partner, his support system, and the one he trusts the most. Your role may have changed for now, but your identity hasn't," Charlie said earnestly, "You're still that pop sensation, Athena Tyler. Don't let what you're doing at this stage in life take away from that. You're just as much a star as Michael is! Call me biased if you want to, but that's how I feel."

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