Chapter 27-Suds & Sisters

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Athena, at precisely 5 AM, walked into the guest room, pulling the curtains open, which is not something she normally does as she doesn't like people peeking into her house, but on this day she did

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Athena, at precisely 5 AM, walked into the guest room, pulling the curtains open, which is not something she normally does as she doesn't like people peeking into her house, but on this day she did. As a representation that today was meant to be a joyous day.

As she walked over to the bed, she saw her half-sister peacefully sleeping, "Reggie, time to get up!" she exclaimed happily, "It's your wedding day!"

Reggie groaned, swatting Athena's hands away from her, "It's so early!"

"No, it's not. It's only..." Athena trailed off as her eyes turned to the clock, "Okay, granted, it is 5:02 AM, but if you think about it, you should be getting up now. Considering the glam team will be here in the next hour or so and you still need to shower."

"But Hena, that bachelorette party last night was a killer!" Reggie groaned.

"Maybe you shouldn't have had that fourth shot," Athena shrugged.

Reggie groaned again, this time in mock protestation, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "Hey, don't blame the party on me. You were equally guilty of indulging in those celebratory drinks!"

"No, no, no," Athena corrected, "Somebody had to be the designated driver! I was sober."

"Speaking of," Reggie paused as she sat up and stretched her arms in the air, "What would Michael think of what happened?"

"Oh, I don't know," Athena replied with a thoughtful expression, thinking of how her boyfriend would react to such a thing, "You'd be surprised, but Michael Jackson isn't one for big parties."

"I just wouldn't want him to think the male strippers were your idea," Reggie added worriedly, "We all know our other sisters were behind that charade. And they're married!"

"Even if it gets brought up....actually, I'll probably tell him just so he doesn't have to find out from someone else." Athena said thoughtfully, "Either way, I will make sure to emphasize that I had nothing to do with it!"

Reggie laughed, throwing her head back with amusement. "Oh, I can only imagine the look on his face when he hears about it!"

Athena joined in the laughter, picturing Michael's shock and trying to imagine how he would react. "Yeah, I can't wait to see his priceless expression. It might even make up for the fact that I didn't get to witness the male strippers in action!"

"Your face when you saw them was like 'oh hell no! I'm out!' And then you bolted away!" Reggie playfully nudged Athena with her elbow, still laughing. "You may have missed out on that, but you definitely didn't miss out on all the fun we had at the club! We danced like there was no tomorrow!"

Athena grinned, reminiscing about the wild dance moves and nonstop laughter they shared. "That's true. I think I burned off every calorie I consumed that day."

Reggie nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling with memories. "Those were some great moves we pulled off! We could have easily been mistaken for professional dancers!" she joked.

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