Chapter 62-Prepare For Takeoff

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In the boys' room, they were doing the same as the girls had done a week ago—running over hypothetical scenarios of what they thought the girls might get up to in Athena's jet on the way home.

"I can see LaToya insisting they all dress up like they're about to perform a concert before they even get on the jet!" Tito laughed.

"And I can see Rebbie convinced that they should have a fashion show mid-flight!" Jermaine added with a chuckle.

"Knowing Janet, she's probably planning a full-on spa day in the sky," Randy suggested with a grin.

Kayden chuckled, "I can see Claire trying to get pictures of everything happening!"

"I can see Athena trying to keep the peace among all of them," Michael added with a smile. "She's got her hands full with this bunch."

Marlon nodded in agreement, "Athena's got the patience of a saint, that's for sure. Dealing with all of us can't be easy."

Jackie raised an eyebrow, "Do you think they have as many wild theories about us as we do about them?"

Jermaine laughed, "Oh, I wouldn't be surprised if they think we're planning a full-blown concert in the sky or something equally ridiculous."

Marlon raised an eyebrow, "Can you imagine them belting out tunes at 30,000 feet? The pilots might join in on the fun!"

Jackie laughed, "It's going to be an unforgettable trip for sure. I can only imagine the stories they'll have to share when we all reunite."

Marlon nodded in agreement, "Oh, you know she's going to have a field day with all of us up there. I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up starting a karaoke session at some point."

Jackie raised an eyebrow, "Do you think they'll even make it back in one piece with all the craziness going on?"

Jermaine chuckled, "Knowing those girls, they'll probably land the plane with a full-on fashion show happening in the aisles."

Tito threw his head back in laughter, "I can only imagine the looks on the pilot's faces when they see what's going on back there!"

Kayden laughed at everything they imagined the girls would get up to, "You know, Claire isn't one for chaos but I don't think she'll be able to resist joining in the fun with them. I can see her getting caught up in their shenanigans and having the time of her life!"

Michael smiled at the thought of Athena and Claire letting loose with his sisters, "I have no doubt they'll make the most of that flight. The girls always know how to have a good time."

Marlon clapped his brother on the shoulder, "Well, we better get ready for our own adventure on your jet. Who knows what kind of trouble we'll stir up before we touch down?"

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