Chapter 168-The Aftermath

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"I don't know, Joseph," Michael said to his father on the phone, "My wife just seems angrier than ever these days. I've never seen her like this before. Every time I see her, she's just so.....angry. Just yesterday, she....well, she didn't yell at me, but she did raise her voice a bit and she was more forceful than usual."

"What do you mean by forceful?" Joseph asked in confusion, "Like....violent?"

"No, no, nothing like that," Michael reassured his father, "But she's just not herself. She's always been such a gentle soul, you know? And now...I'm worried about her, Dad—I'm sorry, I meant Joseph!"

Joseph sighed on the other end of the phone, "Michael, I know I was insistent on you calling me Joseph when you were kids, but I've always been your father. And I'm here for you always, no matter what you call me. You can call me 'dad' if you want to, I don't have a problem with it and I never should have," he paused, "Now tell me more about Athena."

Michael blinked in surprise, but felt his heart smile at his healing relationship with Joseph, "She's usually gentle and soft-hearted, but lately, she's just so different, and I can't help but wonder if she's had a change of heart regarding her brother's death. It's like she's holding a grudge against everyone she loves. I know I don't want to be on the receiving end of her anger."

"She's not physically violent, is she?" Joseph asked in concern, "Because that's not like her at all."

Michael shook his head with another sigh, "No, she's not physically violent. Just....distant. Cold, almost. I don't know how to reach her, Dad," he said as he leaned back into the couch, "I know she would never hurt me. It just feels like we're constantly fighting but not fighting—I don't know if that makes any sense."

"You're saying that because she's so.....cold and distant that it feels like you two are always at odds, even if there aren't any actual arguments happening. Like there's this unspoken tension between the two of you," Joseph mused as he tried to understand what his son was saying, "Have you tried talking to her about how you're feeling?"

"Oh my God. You have no idea how many times I've tried to pull her back down to Earth," Michael huffed, "She's always running around, trying take care of everyone and everything else but never stopping to take care of herself."

Joseph hummed in thought, "How about other than that?"

"Well, she sleeps in a different room now, she doesn't eat much, she has migraines all the time—probably from not eating and running around like a mad woman—and she refuses to let anyone touch her," Michael ranted, "Sometimes I feel like I'm not her husband. I'm being treated like a roommate. It's like she doesn't even see me anymore."

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