Chapter 135-The Truth Revealed

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NOVEMBER 11th, 1996

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NOVEMBER 11th, 1996

"Missing?" Michael's voice was barely above a whisper, his eyes darting between his siblings as if searching for answers in their faces, "And you all knew about this?"

Tito stepped forward, his voice somber, "We didn't want to worry you, Michael. We thought she would turn up at some point."

Michael paused in his steps, his gaze hardened as he locked eyes with Marlon, "So those lies were just to keep me in the dark about Athena's disappearance?"

Marlon shifted uncomfortably under Michael's intense stare, "We were trying to handle it ourselves before bringing you into it. We didn't want to cause unnecessary alarm."

Michael let out a frustrated breath, running a hand through his hair, "Unnecessary alarm? Do you all think I wouldn't want to know that my wife has been missing for five days?" His voice rose with each word, his frustration boiling over, "I can't believe you would keep something so important from me!"

"I just don't understand how this could have happened," LaToya sighed, "Don't you have security? Shouldn't they have been watching the house?"

"It's not that simple, Latoya," Michael countered, his voice strained with emotion, "Athena is an independent woman; she likes her space and freedom. I can't have security tracking her every move like some prisoner. If she found out about it, she'd literally be sleeping in one of the guest rooms just to prove a point!"

"You guys sleep in separate bedrooms?" Rebbie asked with raised eyebrows.

"Not by choice! When Athena gets mad at me, she takes up residence in the guest room as her own personal fortress of solitude!" Michael explained with a hint of exasperation, "I can't force her to stay in the bed with me!"

"Yes, you can," Joseph said as he flailed his arms, "Haul her ass over your shoulder, drag her back to the bed and make her stay there! What is wrong with you kids?!" he exclaimed, still flailing his arms, "This nonsense of sleeping in separate bedrooms because you're mad at each other! Husband and wife should be sleeping in the same bedroom, arguing or fighting or not! If she must, then let her kick and scream all she wants, but you lock the damned door and make her stay in bed with you! That's what I did with your mother all those years!" Joseph huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I can't just manhandle my wife, Joseph," Michael shook his head.

Joseph, once again, flailed his arms, "I am not losing that woman as a daughter-in-law! She's my favorite! So, son, I am going to you need to take control of the situation. I don't care if you have to put her in a headlock and carry her bridal style up to your bedroom, you do it before I have a heart attack from the stress!" Joseph exclaimed, pointing a finger at Michael.

Michael's jaw dropped in shock, "But she's independent! Sometimes she needs space. When we're not arguing, we start out cuddling and eventually she rolls over and goes to sleep."

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