Chapter 139-Closet Rendevous

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NOVEMBER 11th, 1996

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NOVEMBER 11th, 1996

"Ican'tsayanythingwithyourhandovermymouth!" she said, her voice muffled by his hand.

"I can't risk moving my hand because you'll have an excuse for why you 'can't go'." Michael said.

"Ihavetowork!" Athena exclaimed, her voice muffled, "MichaelJosephJackson!"

"Nope. Say yes," Michael insisted, causing Athena to dart her tongue out and lick his hand, "Did you really think that would disgust me?"

Athena finally managed to get his hand away from her face, "I have to work!"

"If you're that determined to yell at people in a dance studio, you can yell at my dancers," Michael said with a grin, "We've had this conversation before!"

"And I already choreographed all your dances," Athena said as she crossed her arms, "I don't see what else I could do. And besides that, don't you need your space instead of me being on top of you all the time? I don't like sleeping by yourself?"

Michael chuckled, his eyes dancing with amusement, "Baby, I love having you on top of me all the time," he smiled.

"I don't like being on top," Athena said, "I like you being on top. That way I can be lazy and you have to do all the work."

"Doesn't mean you won't be on top of me whenever you want," Michael said as a smirk made its way onto his face, "Especially at night."

Athena scoffed, "You'll be too tired by the time you get off stage. I've been on tour myself before and the second I get to the hotel, I collapse on the bed. Unless I have to pee, then I fall asleep in the bathroom."

"I always have energy for you, baby," Michael assured, "Please come with me. We can do whatever you want after the shows. We can explore intimate activities."

Athena furrowed her eyebrows, "Like what?"

"Like....showering together, massaging each other, cuddling naked," Michael suggested, "Just to name a few."

Athena laughed and then bit her lip, "But what if someone hears.....that?"

"Let them hear," Michael shrugged, "Our love is nothing to be ashamed of. We're married, madly in love, and unafraid to show it. Let them talk—it's not their business what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own hotel room."

"Who said I was sharing with you?" Athena asked with a raised eyebrow.

Michael raised an eyebrow in amusement, "Are you trying to tell me that my own wife won't share a hotel room with me now?" he teased, a playful glint in his eyes, "What kind of wife are you, refusing to sleep in the same bed as her husband?"

Deciding to play along, Athena smiled, "Oh, I don't the husband going to snore all night?"

Michael chuckled, "Only if the wife doesn't cuddle close enough to stop me from snoring."

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