Chapter 187-Tough Love

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APRIL 20th, 2013

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APRIL 20th, 2013

Athena and Michael walked into Claire's house, where she was sitting on the couch, staring blankly at the wall. Claire barely registered their presence as they entered, lost in her own world of despair.

Athena felt a pang of sympathy for her former friend but pushed it aside, focusing on the task at hand. "Claire, we need to talk," she said firmly, trying to get Claire's attention.

Claire slowly turned her head towards them, her eyes dull and lifeless. "What is it?" she asked tonelessly.

"We're here to discuss Asher and Kaden," Michael spoke up, his voice gentle yet firm. "It's not healthy for them to be living in this environment, and we've decided to take them in."

Claire blinked, her expression finally showing some emotion: anger. "You have no right to take my children away from me!" she exclaimed, standing up abruptly.

Athena stepped forward, her gaze steady, "Claire, legally, we do. The law will see you as an incompetent parent at the moment, and it's best for Asher and Kaden to be with us for their well-being."

"We can work out visitation arrangements if that makes it easier for you to let them live with us," Michael added, his tone sympathetic, "But right now, they need stability and care that we believe you cannot provide in your current state."

Claire trembled with rage, her fists clenching at her sides, "You self-righteous hypocrites! You think you're better than me just because you have a stable life? You think you can just swoop in and take my kids away?"

Athena remained calm, her voice unwavering, "Claire, this is not about us thinking we're better. This is about ensuring the safety and happiness of Asher and Kaden. We want what's best for them, and right now, that means being with us."

Tears welled up in Claire's eyes as she yelled, "Boys! Get down here!"

The patter of little footsteps was heard and the two kids appeared in the living room.

"Mommy, what's going on?" Asher asked as Kaden held onto a stuffed animal.

"Who would you rather live with?" Claire demanded, "Me or—" She was cut off when her sons ran for Athena the second they saw her.

"Auntie Hena! Uncle Mike!"

"Auntie Hena! Uncle Mike!"

Seeing her children gravitate towards Athena sparked a mix of emotions in Claire: anger, jealousy, and sorrow. She realized in that moment that her boys felt safer with Athena and Michael than they did with her. A wave of self-pity washed over her as she watched the scene unfold before her eyes.

"I'll make sure you never take my kids away from me!" Claire's voice trembled with bitterness as she glared at Athena and Michael.

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