Chapter 2-Encounters

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January 1, 1987

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January 1, 1987

Michael Jackson, as everybody knows, loved to visit sick children in hospitals. He had nothing to do and decided it would be a good day to stop by a local hospital to visit some of the kids. Of course he'd had his security team call ahead and speak to the director of the hospital to make sure it was okay, considering his status and that he didn't want to show up unexpected.

Once they got the all clear, Michael happily ran ahead of his security team and into the car. Bill and his guards had to run after him and tell him not to do that, knowing the dangers, which of course Michael already knew. Sometimes it's just nice to be carefree and running wild.

Which leads up to now.

Michael had just finished up with the kids in the North and West wings of the hospital, standing back to his feet, "This has been eventful."

"It sure has been," Bill says, "I'm proud of you, Michael."

"You are?" Michael asks, "How come?"

"Your will to do good for children and make the world better." Bill shrugs, "I admire it so much. And I just think of my daughter, and if she were in this position and sick, and I know she loves you very much. So I just appreciate that you take the time out of the hectic schedule we have for the kids."

"Thank you, Bill. I appreciate that," Michael smiles, his eyes suddenly locking on a woman down the hallway as his smile drops and morphs into a look of being mesmerized, "Bill?"

"Yes, boss?"

"Who's that girl over there?"

"Oh, yes, Mr. Jackson," The head of the hospital speaks up, "That's Athena Tyler. She comes here regularly to visit the kids."

"Athena Tyler..." Bill trails off, "Why does that name sound so familiar?"

"She was in a girl band with her sisters, called Sorelle. They were pretty popular through their years together." Dr. Smith said, "She left the band a year or so ago. I believe she was only twenty at the time."

"My daughter loves their music. Athena was her favorite. And that's a similar story to you, Michael." Bill adds, before turning back to the doctor, "Do you know anything else about her?"

"She was born in this hospital." Dr. Smith mentions, "I'm the doctor that delivered her and her brother."

"She's a twin?"

"No, he's a few years older than her. After she left the band, she stopped singing and started choreographing for people. Other than that, I don't know much else about her."

"She's a choreographer?" Bill asks, looking over at Michael, as he knew his interest would be peaked after hearing that bit of information.

"She is. If you want, you could talk to her. She's a really nice woman. I can vouch for her on that. She's one of the good ones. Always has been."

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