Chapter 175-Scared Shitless

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Cheryl gave her a concerned glance, "Hena, can Andy and I talk to you?"

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Cheryl gave her a concerned glance, "Hena, can Andy and I talk to you?"

"Absolutely!" Athena nodded, "As long as you get me my iced tea from the dressing room. I'm too tired to get up right now."

Cheryl nodded, noting that the dressing room wasn't that far away. She was back in under a minute, "Here you are," she said as she handed her the bottle and helped her get up.

Athena took a grateful sip of the iced tea, feeling the cool liquid revive her senses. She walked with Cheryl and Andy to a quieter corner of the rehearsal space, away from prying eyes and eager ears. The sound of laughter and chatter from the dancers echoed in the distance, creating a backdrop of familiarity that eased Athena's mind. She knew she could trust Cheryl and Andy, two of her closest confidantes in the industry, with whatever was on her mind.

"What's going on, Hena?" Cheryl asked softly, concern etched on her features, "You seem off today, almost like it's more than just being tired."

"She's right," Andy said, "You also seem a little....I don't know, moody?"

Athena exhaled slowly, her gaze distant as if searching for the right words to convey her inner turmoil, "I don't know..." she trailed off, "I ate more than usual last week, so now I'm going to have to lose ten pounds," she said, "Oh! I've been getting sick in the mornings and sometimes at night. And I can't sleep. I'm tired all the time."

"Hena, have you considered that you might be....pregnant?" Cheryl asked as she exchanged a glance with Andy.

"Pregnant?" Athena voiced before bursting into laughter, "Yeah, okay!"

Cheryl and Andy exchanged a knowing look, their suspicions growing stronger as they observed Athena's reaction. There was a sense of realization dawning on Athena's face, a flicker of possibility that she couldn't ignore. Her laughter died down, replaced by a contemplative expression as she considered Cheryl's words.

"Wait....are you guys serious?" Athena asked, her smile slowly fading.

"Well.....all the signs are there. Think about it," Andy said, "You're constantly tired, you said you ate more than usual, and you mentioned morning sickness."

"Okay, listen you two," Athena said calmly, reaching up to place one hand on Cheryl's face and her other hand on Andy's, "We do not mention the 'P' word, ever."

"Why not?" Cheryl asked, making no move to pull away from her hand.

"I can't even imagine that. I very well might have to take on my brothers' kids and now I'm possibly pregnant?" Athena asked incredulously, "Heck no. There has to be some other explanation. I can't handle possibly having to take my brothers' kids and then having my own."

"But, listen, Hena—" Andy tried.

"And then you have to think about all the other stuff," Athena said, "Breastfeeding or formula? Natural birth or C-Section? Epidural or no epidural?"

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