Chapter 142-The Door Is Shut

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As they stepped into their room, Athena made a beeline for the bathroom without so much as a glance in Michael's direction

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As they stepped into their room, Athena made a beeline for the bathroom without so much as a glance in Michael's direction. She needed a moment to collect her thoughts, to steel herself against whatever awaited her on the other side of that door.

Michael stood in the center of the room, his gaze fixed on the closed bathroom door, "Oh, Athena," he said sweetly, almost teasingly, "Open the door."

"I'm half naked!" Athena called from the other side.

Michael chuckled softly, the sound reverberating through the room like a melody, "I've seen you naked before, remember?" he teased, his voice tinged with a hint of mischief.

Athena's cheeks flushed at his words, "I—I'm peeing!"

"Open.....the.....door," Michael huffed, pausing between each word.

"Uh.....I—I'm showering now!" Athena said as she turned the water on.

"Oh, wonderful. Now I'll join you!" Michael's voice was lighthearted as he began to undress, his movements deliberate and unhurried as he started singing, "One thing in life you must understand. The truth of lust, woman to man. So open the door and you will see. There are no secrets. Make your move. Set me free."

"Michael Joseph Jackson!" Athena shook her head with a small smile from inside the bathroom, "Can't your sweet wife shower in peace?"

Michael's singing filled the room, his voice weaving a spell that seemed to wrap around Athena, tugging at her heartstrings despite her best efforts to resist. The familiarity of the lyrics, the way he effortlessly slipped into performance mode even in the privacy of their hotel room, stirred a mix of emotions within her.

As the hot water cascaded over her skin, Athena found herself swaying to the rhythm of Michael's voice, her resolve slowly melting away like ice under a scorching sun. She couldn't deny the pull he had on her, the way his mere presence ignited a fire within her that she thought she had long extinguished.

With a sigh, she turned off the shower and wrapped herself in a towel, stepping out of the bathroom, only to find a naked Michael sitting on the edge of the bed, a soft smile playing on his lips as he watched her approach.

Athena looked at him before she dried off her hair with a towel, droplets of water glistening on her skin like scattered diamonds. She avoided his gaze, a mixture of nervousness and anticipation swirling in her chest.

Michael stood up, closing the distance between them with deliberate steps. He reached out a hand to gently pick her up with her legs around his waist and he sat back down on the bed—easily slipping himself inside her.

"Michael!" Athena gasped, gripping his shoulder, "Oh.....gosh."

He smiled down at her, locking eyes with her, "I told you, you were all mine as soon as that door shut," he said as he used his head to motion to the hotel room door.

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