Chapter 81-Surprise Visit

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Michael was sitting in his hotel room, deep in thought. As he was embedded in his contemplation, Bill poked his head into the room, "Uh.....Mr. Jackson?"

Michael looked up from his musings, a furrow forming on his brow as he met Bill's gaze. "Yes, what is it?" he inquired, his voice tinged with a hint of concern.

"Athena's here. Just casually raiding the fridge in my room." Bill said, "She mentioned something about needing to make sure you had her laptop, and her chocolate, and her makeup brush—and something about how she's about to fall asleep on the toilet."

"Fall asleep on the toilet?" Michael said in disbelief.

"I don't know, sir. She seemed high," Bill shrugged.

Michael widened his eyes, "High?!" he exclaimed, "What did she take?"

"Well, not necessarily high, but definitely hyper. She dropped this," Bill said as he held up a pill bottle, "She said her mother Nicole told her to 'take a chill pill' and I think she took it more literally than intended."

"Why would Nicole tell her to do that?!" Michael exclaimed, "What was in that pill bottle?!"

"I don't know, sir," Bill frowned, "Jerome is with her now. Pretty sure she's probably napping in the bathroom by now."

"Baby!" Michael widened his eyes as he ran down the hallway.

Meanwhile, in Bill's room, Jerome was kneeling beside her, holding a damp cloth to her forehead while Athena protested and fought against him.

"Jerome, I don't need a cloth on my head!" Athena wailed, pushing against him weakly, "Get off!"

"Sorry, Miss Tyler, but I can't let you overheat like a car engine in the desert!" Jerome said, torn between doing what his female boss said and his duty to protect her, "Miss Tyler, this is really concerning! How many did you take?!"

Athena groaned, her words slurring slightly, "Just one...or maybe two....or maybe three....or maybe four...." she said, making a joke despite the seriousness of the situation.

Jerome's eyes widened in alarm at Athena's confession, "Miss Tyler, you can't just guess how many pills you've taken! This is serious!" he exclaimed, holding her shoulders gently to keep her from toppling over, "Do you have a prescription for whatever you took?"

"Prescription?" Athena asked as she pushed him off of her, "My medical not your business!"

"Miss Tyler, this is—"

Jerome was cut off when Bill and Michael burst into the room.

"Baby girl, what did you take?" Michael asked as he rushed to get to her side on the floor.

"Mikey!" Athena smiled, her eyes lighting up at the sight of him as she clumsily got up and threw her arms around his neck, leaning all her weight on him.

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