Chapter 91-The Last Name Debate

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January 14, 1994

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January 14, 1994

Athena Tyler was sitting in her office at work. Her and her sisters now had a talk show called 'Sorelle TV' which coincidentally is partially the same name as their band. Despite being married to Michael, she told everyone to continue to refer to her as Athena Tyler—her stage name.

"Mrs. Jackson—"

"I told you, Marie. Call me Athena," Athena said with a smile as she led the way back to her office, "And if you insist on formalities, then use Tyler."

Marie chuckled softly, following Athena back to her office. "Alright, Miss Tyler," she teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement. As they entered the office, Athena's phone buzzed with a message; she smiled when she saw who it was from, but frowned when she saw the message.

I'm coming to see you. -Michael

Athena raised an eyebrow in surprise as she typed a reply and sent it.

I'm at work, Mikey. -Athena

It wasn't long before he replied.

I don't care. I need to see you. -Michael

Athena sighed and placed her phone down, motioning Marie to make herself comfortable, "What did you want to talk about, Marie?"

Marie hesitated for a moment, she twirled a strand of her hair nervously before finally meeting Athena's eyes, "I...I wanted to talk to you about the show," she began, her voice tentative.

Athena leaned back in her chair, giving Marie her full attention. "Go on," she encouraged softly.

Marie took a deep breath before continuing, "I think we need to shake things up a bit. The ratings have been great, even after only thirty episodes, but I know you always strive for better."

"I agree. Things always should be fresh and new, and.....exciting," Athena nodded in agreement, "What did you have in mind, specifically?"

"Well, I was thinking that because you're so involved in charity," Marie paused, "I think it would be a great idea to do a special episode dedicated to showcasing different charity organizations, probably ones you've worked with. We could even—"

A sudden knock on the door cut Marie off, and both women turned to see Michael standing in the doorway, his expression serious and determined.

"Michael, what are you doing here?" Athena asked, a mix of surprise and concern in her voice while trying to remain professional.

Michael walked into the office without saying a word, his eyes fixed on Athena. He looked between the two women and then at the plaque on Athena's desk which had 'Athena Tyler' on it.

Athena stood up from her chair, her heart racing as she faced her husband, "Is everything okay?" she asked softly, reaching out a hand towards him.

Michael took her hand in his, his grip tight yet comforting, "Athena, we need to talk," he said firmly, his gaze unwavering.

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