Chapter 103-Closet of Endless Designer Shirts

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JUNE 1st, 1995

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JUNE 1st, 1995

"Baby, we have got to talk about this," Michael sighed as he followed Athena around the house.

"I have a lot to do today, Michael," Athena shook her head as she opened the door to the bedroom and walked in.

"Baby, we need to sit down and have a discussion," Michael sighed again, "We have that interview with Diane Sawyer coming up in a few weeks! Meaning, we need to discuss what we're going to say and prepare for any questions she might ask us! But it seems all you want to do is argue."

"I do not want to argue," Athena said plainly as she walked back down the stairs, "Nobody is arguing."

Michael kept following her, "You could've fooled me. Then why are you attacking me every time I try to have a conversation about important things like our careers and plans for the future?"

"I'm not trying to attack you, Michael," Athena said calmly, never one to raise her voice.

Many would be surprised, but Michael was always the one who would get louder, or.....more passionate about the disagreement, while Athena kept her tone calm and measured.

Michael, frustrated, but doing his best not to yell, said, "Ugh. I'm trying to understand you, baby, but you keep confusing me. What do you want? You're always so focused on things that don't seem to matter!"

"Michael, you don't have to do that interview with me," Athena shrugged, "The whole reason there's even an interview is because Kayden is being accused of these crimes again, only to be proven innocent—just like he was two years ago. This interview is to clear up the lies about my brother and then I plan on never speaking of these accusations again," she shrugged, "I'm just saying, you don't have to participate in the interview with me."

"I'm the one that suggested us doing it together!" Michael huffed, "Why would I not want to be right next to you while you're being hounded with questions about accusations that have been proven false?" he asked incredulously, "Plus, it's good to be seen as a united front in the face of these ridiculous accusations."

"I'm just.....resigned to doing things alone these days," Athena said with a distant look in her eyes, "That's all. I like being alone."

"Baby, that's not what this is about—I'm sensing some tension between us and I don't like it," Michael said as he watched her scramble around, "You barely let me touch you anymore. You only talk to me if you have to, like when we have to do stuff together—such as award shows or appearances or interviews. When we're in bed, you always avoid cuddling. You never initiate anything, we haven't made love in months. It's like there's a wall between us now," he sighed, "You know me, baby. I need affection and that closeness that comes with nurturing a relationship. I'm scared, baby girl—I don't want to lose you. Come here, please—just come sit on my lap so we can talk about this."

Athena blinked, "Ever since Kayden and I released 'Popular Monster', it's like everyone is zeroing in on me. My mother, my half-sisters, even Claire. And we just had Diane Sawyer in the house to see how two of the 'most high-profile celebrities in the world' live!"

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