Chapter 104-Hayvenhurst Family Dinner

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As they approached the Jackson family compound, the car stopped in front of Hayvenhurst after a two hour drive, Michael decided to take a chance, "Baby, before we go in there, are you sure you're okay?"

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As they approached the Jackson family compound, the car stopped in front of Hayvenhurst after a two hour drive, Michael decided to take a chance, "Baby, before we go in there, are you sure you're okay?"

"I promise, I'm fine," Athena said, with a smile, "Just want to hug everyone."

Michael, not believing what she said, but deciding not to push too hard, nodded, "Okay. Come on, then."

As they made their way into the house, Michael couldn't shake the feeling that Athena was keeping something from him. He tried to brush it off, telling himself it was just anxiety regarding the upcoming family gathering, but he couldn't shake the feeling.

Katherine greeted them at the door, always happy to see Athena, "Hello, favorite daughter-in-law!" she exclaimed, hugging Athena tightly.

Michael had to admit, he loved how his mother had taken Athena in as if she was her own—it made his heart happy that his wife was so welcome in his family.

"Hello, Miss Katherine!" Athena smiled, hugging her back just as tight.

"Oh, dear! Why did you wear heels?" Katherine asked, "Your feet must feel like they're on fire!"

"Sorry, Miss Katherine," Athena smiled, "I just wanted to dress to impress."

"You don't need to impress us, honey," Katherine shook her head, "Most of us are in sweatpants. Now take those feet killers off, hun."

As Athena removed her heels, Katherine led them into the family room, where everyone was already gathered. Michael's siblings, their spouses, and his parents were all there, chatting and laughing.

They all stood up upon seeing Athena, all of them exclaiming as they opened their arms, "Athena, welcome back! We've missed you!"

As they hugged everyone, Michael's heart swelled with love and pride. He couldn't help but notice that everyone seemed to be genuinely happy to see her. It was then that he realized how much he appreciated his family for accepting Athena so wholeheartedly.

Athena's sisters—Reggie and her husband Adam, and Riley, Renae, Rachel, and Reagan all came in soon after, greeting Michael and Athena and the Jackson family.

The dinner went on, and while the conversation was light and easy, Michael couldn't shake the feeling that something was still off. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he knew that he needed to talk to Athena, to find out what was going on behind those guarded eyes of hers.

"Okay, can we have a real talk for a minute?" Carol, Marlon's wife, asked, "My friend had a scare with her husband the other day. He ended up in the hospital and she didn't find out until he told her. The hospital wouldn't tell her anything because she isn't his Power of Attorney."

"Oh, gosh," Alejandra, Jermaine's wife, said, "That's terrible! He never changed it after they got married?"

Carol shook her head, still unable to believe it herself, "No, he had it that way on purpose. He didn't want her as his POA. He has his best friend in that position instead."

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