Chapter 121-Olivia & Finn

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FEBRUARY 10th, 1996

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FEBRUARY 10th, 1996

Sergeant Finn Tutuola and Captain Olivia Benson were at a crossroads. What were they supposed to do? What started out as a case over spilled milk turned into a criminal case involving Austin Grey that had somehow escalated into chaos.

"What do we do?" Finn asked Olivia.

"I don't know, Finn," Olivia said as she and Finn walked away to have this conversation privately, "He claims that she's is his half-sister, but that she doesn't know he exists."

"How the hell are we supposed to contact her?!" Finn asked incredulously, "She's incredibly famous. And I've heard she doesn't do random meetings."

Olivia rubbed her temples, deep in thought, "We can't just barge in on her without any solid evidence or a plan," she finally said, "But we need to find out the truth behind Austin's claims. See if he's telling the truth."

"We'll need to get Austin's DNA if we want to prove or refute his claim that they're half-siblings," Finn added, "He's claiming that he's her older half-brother? That's going to be hard to prove without both of their DNA." 

"Well, let's start with Austin," Olivia said, "If he's so sure he's her brother, then he won't have a problem giving us a DNA sample."

The next day, Finn and Olivia arrived at Austin Grey's apartment building. The place was upscale, with a modern facade that screamed expensive taste. They found Austin waiting for them in the lobby, looking nervous but determined.

"Are you ready to prove your claim, Austin?" Olivia asked, her tone firm but not unkind.

"Yes, ma'am," Austin nodded, "I want her to know the truth. She's my sister, I'm sure of it."

"Let's get you to the hospital, then," Finn said, surprised by how cooperative and certain this man was about this.

Austin nodded, his hands slightly trembling with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Finn and Olivia led him to their car, the tension in the air palpable. During the drive to the hospital, Austin kept fidgeting with his hands, lost in his own thoughts. Olivia observed him discreetly through the rearview mirror, trying to gauge his sincerity.

As they arrived at the hospital, Finn guided Austin inside while Olivia took care of all the necessary paperwork. The trio made their way to the lab where a nurse was waiting to collect Austin's DNA sample. Austin clenched his jaw, steeling himself for what was to come, while Finn placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

The nurse efficiently swabbed Austin's cheek for the DNA sample, sealing it carefully before handing it over to Olivia. They took a blood sample also and sent it off to the lab.

With a nod of gratitude, Olivia took the sample and turned to Austin, "Now we wait," she said simply.

Days passed as they awaited the results. Finn and Olivia continued their investigation, and everything they had found out only confused them more.

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