Chapter 106-Cuddles at Dusk

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Athena gasped, trying to hold back a giggle, "Michael, what—?" her question stopped mid-sentence when he laid his head against her chest, his fingers gently fiddling with her clothes-covered breasts

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Athena gasped, trying to hold back a giggle, "Michael, what—?" her question stopped mid-sentence when he laid his head against her chest, his fingers gently fiddling with her clothes-covered breasts.

Michael looked up at her, his hands still gently squeezing her chest as he continued to talk to her, "Sometimes when we fall asleep together, you'll move away from me, or wrap yourself in this blanket fort—like you need some kind of physical barrier between us. I don't know, it just makes me think you'd rather not be touched when you're sleeping. Like there was one time, you were dead asleep, and you were lying there half-naked, and I just put my arm around your waist, and you nearly jumped out of the bed. You need to trust me, baby. We go through a lot together, and I'm never going to hurt you," he sighed, "It broke my heart that you felt, even in your sleep, that you had to pull away from me like that."

" behavior, both consciously and unconsciously has been making you think," Athena paused as she tried to comprehend what was being said to her, "It's made you think that I don't want you?"

"Yeah, and I always want you, so it hurts to think you're pushing me away," Michael replied, "I'm your husband, I'm the only person you should be comfortable with touching you when you're fast asleep. I want you to trust me enough to let me touch you when you're asleep," he paused, "I want to understand why this is happening. Is it because you feel disconnected from me? Am I not loving enough? Am I not tender enough? Is it something that I'm doing, or is it just fear of rejection or vulnerability?"

"I guess the fear of rejection," Athena said, looking down at his hands that were still attached to her chest and had a light fidgeting motion going.

"I just told you I always want you and you think I'll reject you?" Michael questioned her, his tone full of disbelief.

"Like.....when I don't keep up proper maintenance....down there..." Athena trailed off, "Like....waxing and....stuff...." she added awkwardly as she looked back to the fireplace.

Michael sighed before he leaned back on the bed, pulling her down with him. He rolled over, maneuvering around so he was now on top of her, "That's what this is about?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah," she replied, still unable to make eye contact.

"Are you kidding me?" he exclaimed, clearly frustrated, "You're worried that I'll reject you because of a lack of grooming down there?"

"Well...yes," she said quietly, still looking down.

"Athena, I don't care if you wax, shave, or go au naturel. I love everything about you. You have no idea how many times I've stripped your clothes off in the dark, not even knowing what you looked like down there but loving you just the same. That's not where my love comes from. It comes from the inside, not the outside," He took her hands in his, holding them tightly, "Look at me," he commanded softly. She hesitantly but raised her gaze to meet his, tears welling up in her eyes, "I love you."

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