Chapter 47-Confirming Suspicious Behavior

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Athena had been having her suspicions for weeks

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Athena had been having her suspicions for weeks. She was suspicious of her older brother, Kayden, for cheating on his wife, Claire. Although she knew it wasn't her place to meddle, she had to know the truth and get to the bottom of things. Their father taught them better than this and Athena was determined to remind Kayden of that fact.

So, as she stepped off the plane and walked out of the airport, she had a deep contemplation. Should she have called Claire about her suspicions or go straight to the source? Eventually, she decided that she had to get Kayden's side of the story first. She knew how bad of an idea this was, as she didn't know what she would find, but here she was. She didn't even tell her fiancé that she was doing this–or that she even had suspicions.

As she walked into the hotel she had managed to trace him to, she walked right up to the front desk, "Hello. I'm looking for Kayden Tyler's room." she said kindly with a smile.

"We can't give out that information, ma'am." a lady with the name tag 'Judy' said.

"Well, Judy," Athena said with a raised eyebrow, "I'm his sister."

"Wait...are you Athena Tyler?" the male receptionist asked in surprise.

"Aiden, stop," Judy said, "We can't prove that she's related to him!"

"Do you need an ID?" Athena asked with mock exasperation, holding up her wallet with the clear part for them to see her ID.

"See?" Aiden exclaimed, "This is Athena Tyler! Don't tell me you don't know who she is! She was in Sorelle with her half-sisters and left the band about five years ago. Then she disappeared from the spotlight. But I swear, I'd know her face anywhere!" he added, "I can vouch for her. They are siblings."

After a moment of hesitation, Judy finally relented and handed Athena a key card. "Room 304," she said, still unsure about the situation unfolding before her. Athena nodded her thanks and made her way to the elevator, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't believe she was actually going through with this.

As the elevator doors slid open on the third floor, Athena took a deep breath and stepped out, her eyes scanning the hallway for Room 304. Finally spotting it at the far end, she quickened her pace, anxious to confront her brother.

Standing in front of the door, Athena hesitated for a second before raising her hand to knock. The sound echoed in the quiet hallway, making her pulse race even faster. Seconds ticked by before the door swung open, revealing Kayden standing there, a surprised expression on his face.

"Athena? What are you doing here?" Kayden asked, his voice tinged with confusion.

Without missing a beat, Athena pushed passed her brother and entered the room, immediately looking around for anything that set off alarm bells in her brain. She noticed a suitcase open on the bed, clothes scattered haphazardly, and a faint smell of perfume lingering in the air. Her suspicions grew stronger as she turned to face Kayden, who was still standing by the door, watching her with a mixture of concern and apprehension.

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