Chapter 138-The Return of the Misses

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NOVEMBER 11th, 1996

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NOVEMBER 11th, 1996

As he swung open the door, there she was—Athena, looking tired but radiant, her eyes lighting up in shock as she saw Michael standing there, waiting for her, "M—" she was quickly cut off when her in-laws and family and friends engulfed her in hugs and threw questions at her.

Amidst the flurry of questions and embraces from her in-laws and family and friends, Athena managed to catch Michael's eye. His gaze was a mixture of relief, love, and a hint of reproach, which caused her to raise an eyebrow—unsure what the issue was. But either way, she smiled as she was greeted by everyone and answered all their questions.

Once they were satisfied with answers, they hugged her again, then Michael, and went on their way, leaving Athena and Michael alone. As Athena was finally placing her stuff down, Michael was debating what way to approach this conversation—the firm way or the gentle way?

As he was lost in his thoughts, Athena wrapped her arms around his waist and gave him a squeeze before pecking his lips and pulling away from him—making her way up the stairs.

The sudden contact and abrupt loss of it made him remember the topics he needed to address. The whole paying her own phone bill thing, the leaving the country without telling him, the importance of communication in their relationship—all of it weighed heavily on his mind. He knew he couldn't put it off any longer.

Michael followed Athena up the stairs, his mind racing with all the things he wanted to say. As he entered their bedroom, he found her in her closet with the door slightly ajar, in her bra and panties, humming a tune.

Without hesitation, Michael pushed the closet door open wide, revealing Athena sitting on the floor, writing something in her songbook.

Her humming ceased and her eyes widened as she grabbed a throw blanket next to her to cover herself—her self-consciousness taking over, "Oh, shit! Michael, I'm naked!" she exclaimed, "Mikey, get out!"

"Sometimes I think you forget we're married," Michael said as he knelt down next to her, "I know what every part of you looks like. Take that off. I want to see something."

Athena furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, a sudden realization dawning on her, "Michael? Aren't you still on tour? You're supposed to be in New York right now!"

"Well, I had to come back when my family called me, acting all suspicious," Michael said, "They wouldn't tell me where you were. Kept saying you were out running errands and picking up curtains and a birth control prescription."

"Birth control and curtains?" Athena asked incredulously.

"And the news was saying you were missing," Michael added, "I didn't see it until after the phone call from Marlon and I came home. Janet blurted out the truth—that they didn't know where you were, that they made up the birth control and curtains thing because they wanted to figure out where you were first before worrying me."

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