Chapter 177-Devastation In Motion

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JUNE 25th, 2009--1:00 PM

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JUNE 25th, 2009--1:00 PM

Michael had been sitting in his home recording studio when the horrifying story flashed across the television.

Michael looked up in shock, "What?!" he exclaimed, "Bill! Jerome! Get in here quick!"

Bill ran in, Jerome trailing behind her, "Boss? Is it true? Is Athena's mother really dead?"

"I don't know," Michael frowned as he stared wide-eyed at the TV, "My wife hasn't called me yet."

Jerome shook his head, "I—" he was cut off when his own cell phone rang and he looked down at it, "It's Athena's brothers. They're all calling."

The second the call connected, Austin yelled into the phone, "What the hell is going on? Where's Athena?! We need to verify if this is true before we freak out!"

"It seems like you're already freaking out, Austin!" Richard argued.

Noah took the phone from Austin and spoke in a voice surprisingly calm for the stress of the situation, "Michael, is Athena with you?"

Michael's heart pounded in his chest as he replied, "No, she's not here. I thought she was with her sister."

The line went silent for a moment before Noah's voice came through again, "We're heading over there right now. Stay where you are, okay? We'll call you back as soon as we know something."

Michael hung up the phone and turned to Bill and Jerome with a mix of worry and confusion etched on his face. "What do we do now?" he asked softly.

Bill placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, "We wait. They'll figure out what's going on and let us know. In the meantime, we pray for the best."

Michael nodded, trying to steady his nerves as he paced back and forth in the studio. Minutes felt like hours as they waited for the phone call that would bring news: good or bad.

The ruckus at the front gate of Neverland announced the Tyler brothers arrival.

Jerome hurried to the gate to greet them, his heart heavy with anticipation as he let them in. The brothers rushed past him, their faces a mix of confusion, grief, and anger. Michael met them in the grand hallway, his expression mirroring their emotions.

"Enough beating around the bush," Noah's voice was firm, almost commanding. "If Athena's not here and her mother is truly gone....then where is she?"

"Frankly, after everything Nicole put Athena through, I don't care about her—but I do care about Athena," Austin added, his fists clenched in frustration.

Richard stepped forward, his eyes searching Michael's face for any sign of the truth. "Michael, we need to know if Athena is safe. If something happened to her mother..." His voice trailed off as the weight of the situation settled heavily on all of them.

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