Chapter 165-Superbowl XXXVI

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JANUARY 17th, 2002

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JANUARY 17th, 2002

Athena Tyler had recently released a few singles. Not a whole album, but she released some singles and they were already at the top of the charts—within two days.

All of a sudden, her phone started ringing from downstairs, which she didn't hear. But as Michael was walking through the kitchen, he heard it.

He quickly made his way to the living room where Athena had left her phone on the coffee table. The caller ID displayed a familiar name—her manager, Charlie.

Michael answered the call, his heart pounding with anticipation, "Charlie?"

Charlie's urgent voice came through the receiver, "Michael, I need to speak with Athena right away. It's about her next big gig."

Michael's brow furrowed in concern as he realized it must be something important for Charlie to call at this hour. He rushed upstairs to their bedroom where he saw Athena strumming her guitar with a look of pure concentration on her face.

She looked up at him expectantly, and Michael hesitated for a moment before saying, "It's Charlie on the phone. He says it's about your next big gig."

Athena's eyes widened in surprise as she reached for the phone, "Charlie?"

As Michael watched her take the phone call, his facial expressions rapidly changed as she replied to Charlie on the other end. He didn't know what was being said, but from the looks of it, the conversation seemed intense.

Athena's brow furrowed, her eyes darting around the room as if searching for something. Michael could sense the tension in the air, and he wondered what news Charlie had delivered that could affect their lives so drastically.

After what felt like an eternity, Athena finally hung up the phone and turned to Michael with disbelief all over her face, "They want me to be the halftime act for the Superbowl."

"The Superbowl?!" Michael nearly fell off the bed in shock, his eyes wide with amazement.

The Superbowl halftime show was one of the biggest stages in the world, and for Athena to be offered such an opportunity left him speechless. He knew how amazing she was, but for a moment, he couldn't grasp the magnitude of what this meant for her career. The Super Bowl halftime show was watched by millions worldwide, sports fans or not—some watched just for the halftime act—and it would cement Athena's status as a true music icon.

Hours later, Kayden and Claire came into the house, both of them a ball of nerves after Michael called them and told them this had something to do with Athena.

Kayden, as Athena's older brother, and Claire as his wife—they were both thinking of the worst-case scenario.

They immediately assumed Athena had some kind of medical issue—but as they entered the bedroom, they found Athena and Michael sitting on the edge of the bed, looking to be in an intense debate.

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