Chapter 143-Conflicting News Stories

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NOVEMBER 1st, 1997

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NOVEMBER 1st, 1997

Bill Whitfield, the Head of Security at Neverland Valley Ranch was having a peaceful afternoon. All until a news story flashed on the TV screen in the security office.

Bill widened his eyes in shock, panic, and fear. This was his boss's wife, and in a way, she was his boss too. He picked up the remote and changed the channel to see another story come up.

As he kept flipping through the channels, more and more stories kept coming up all with outrageous and scary names.

'Athena Tyler: Dead on Impact'

'Athena Tyler: A Popstar's Memory'

'Athena Tyler: Dead at 29!'

'The King Of Pop's Wife Dead?!'

'The Tyler Dynasty: Athena's Legacy'

His cell phone suddenly started flooding with phone calls. Jackie, Marlon, Tito, Jermaine, Randy, Katherine, Joseph, Janet, LaToya, Rebbie—all of them were calling. He didn't know who to answer at that point. He didn't want anyone to think he was ignoring them, so he decided a multiple-way phone call was the best way to go.

As he connected with everyone, he sighed, "Can everyone hear me?"

"Yes, Bill, we can hear you," Janet's voice came through the phone, trembling with emotion. The shock and grief in her tone mirrored what Bill felt in his own heart.

"We need answers, Bill. What happened to Athena?" Joseph's demanding voice cut through the somber air, his authority palpable even over the phone lines.

Bill took a deep breath, trying to steady himself before responding. "I....I don't know yet. I just saw the news reports myself. I'm heading to the main house now to see if Mr. Jackson is aware of this."

There was a collective murmur of agreement from the Jackson family members on the call. They all understood the gravity of the situation and the need for immediate action.

As Bill hung up, his mind raced with questions. How could Athena be dead? What would this mean for Michael and Neverland Ranch? And most importantly, was there foul play involved?

The once lush greenery of Neverland Valley Ranch seemed to whisper ominous secrets as Bill made his way through the winding path toward the main house. The air felt heavy with sorrow, and even the cheerful chirping of the birds sounded muted.

As he approached the grand entrance, Bill's heart clenched in anticipation of the difficult conversation awaiting him. He steeled himself, knocking on the ornate doors before pushing them open.

The opulent interior of the main house was a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within Bill. He spotted Michael seated on a plush sofa, his usually vibrant demeanor subdued in the face of tragedy.

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