Chapter 132-Jackson Family Meltdown

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NOVEMBER 11th, 1996—Los Angeles, California—2:30 AM

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NOVEMBER 11th, 1996—Los Angeles, California—2:30 AM

Marlon Jackson was getting some water from the fridge when he whirled around to face the TV, his eyes widening at the sight of the headlines appearing on the screen.

He picked up his phone and dialed Jackie. He quickly hung up and decided on a multiple-way phone call, adding Jackie, Jermaine, Randy, and Tito to the call.

"Hey, Marlon, what's going on?" Jackie's voice came through the phone, "It is 2:34 AM!"

"Have you seen the news?!" Marlon blurted out, "Turn on the news! Now!"

There was complete silence on the other ends of the phone, the brothers trying to figure out what Marlon was talking about.

Jermaine was the first to speak up, his voice laced with concern, "What news, Marlon? What's happened?"

"Just turn it on this instant!" Marlon blurted in a panic.

"What could possibly be happening at 2:30 in the morning?" Randy grumbled.

"Alright, Marlon, we're watching," Jermaine replied as the brothers all scrambled to grab their remote controls and switched on the TV. The news anchor's grave expression matched the seriousness of the situation as she reported on the story.

"Marlon, honey," Carol, his wife, walked down the stairs in her pajamas with a look of concern on her face, "What's wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost."

The only thing Marlon could do was frantically point at the television screen. As they listened intently to the details being shared, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of Marlon's stomach.

A chorus of gasps echoed through the phone line, each brother reacting to the shocking news in their own way.

Tito was the first to recover, his voice unsteady as he asked, "Do we know what happened? Has she been found?"

Marlon shook his head, even though they couldn't see him. "No one knows anything yet. It's all over the news—she just vanished without a trace. Guys, Athena is gone! Michael's wife is gone!"

Carol slapped her hand over her mouth, "This doesn't make sense! I just spoke to her a couple weeks ago!"

In Randy's house, Eliza walked up to him while he was on the phone with his brothers, "Honey, what—oh, my god! Randy, look at the TV!"

Randy's eyes widened as he turned his attention to the TV screen, the headline flashing in bold letters: Athena Tyler: Missing Sorelle?!

His heart pounded in his chest as he listened to the news report detailing his sister-in-laws sudden disappearance. The room fell into a heavy silence, the weight of the news settling over them like a dark cloud.

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