Chapter 15-Dance Studio Confessional

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One, two, three, four—

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One, two, three, four—

Athena moved across the floor, as gracefully as ever.

Five, six—

Something had changed in recent months. Athena didn't quite know why, or how, but she was getting her groove back. And she wasn't mad about it.

Seven, eight.

Athena had been happier and healthier than she had been in years. She was more energetic and less serious than she would normally be.


The door opened, but that didn't distract Athena one bit. Michael walked in, quietly shutting the door behind himself, his eyes watching Athena's every move. She leapt like a ballerina, popped and locked like a hip-hop dancer and preformed like someone with the heart of an entertainer.

It wasn't until Athena looked up and locked eyes with the man in the mirror that she came to an abrupt halt and pretended to be doing nothing, "Michael!"

"Don't stop on my account," Michael smiled at her, "I was enjoying perfection."

"I don't...I don't know about perfection..."

"I do. You know, you're always welcome to use any of the areas at my house. The dance studio, the recording studio, anywhere you want." Michael nods, his words genuine as he admired her, "Speaking of your mastery—"

Athena stifled a laugh, "You're the artistic genius here, but please continue."

"It's about my next tour." Michael smiled at her compliment as he shook his head and sat down on the floor, "It's not for a while, as I'm still in the process of writing and recording the album, but better to start sooner rather than later. And see if you might be interested in helping me choreograph all the dances."

Athena looked over at him in shock, "'re asking me?" she said in surprise, pointing at herself.

"Who else would I ask?" Michael nearly giggled, "I've been wanting to work with you for a while, but I guess I never thought you would be interested in working with me, let alone meeting me." he said honestly, "And now that we're....close, I figured now is as good a time as any to ask you."

"'re Michael Jackson. Who wouldn't want to work with you?" Athena asked in confusion, "They would be a bundle of nerves while doing so, but it's an honor to know that someone of your....status would want to work with them."

"It was that day I met you at the hospital, I knew you were special." Michael said softly, "I didn't know you by your face, but once I heard your name, I knew exactly who you were. I'd heard of your name floating around and people had so much respect for you. Even me, despite never meeting you."

"Yeah," Athena nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting a trace of nostalgia, "I've kept my face out of the press for a while, opting to work behind the scenes and lend my time to those who truly appreciate it. It was clear my family....well, they only want my money."

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