Chapter 63-Before The Storm

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LOS OLIVOS, CALIFORNIA—August 28th, 1992

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LOS OLIVOS, CALIFORNIA—August 28th, 1992

It was the night before Athena and Michael's wedding—and surprisingly, Athena was the completely calm one and Michael was the one turning into Groomzilla.

True to tradition, they were staying apart for the day and night before the wedding. So Athena was at her mansion with Janet, Claire, Rebbie, and LaToya—Michael's sisters and her brother's wife—while Michael was with Marlon, Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Randy, and Athena's brother Kayden, at Neverland.

"Mike, you need to calm down," Randy laughed, "Sit on the couch. You're creating a draft."

"He's not wrong," Jermaine added, "Why are you so nervous?"

"I can't help it!" Michael exclaimed as he continued to pace, "Everything needs to go right tomorrow. The flowers have to be perfect, the music has to be flawless—it all has to be perfect for my queen. And don't even get me started on my vows!"

"Did you write your vows?" Jackie asked as he watched his younger brother pace the room, all eyes following his every move.

"Are you guys sure I can't see Athena tonight?" Michael asked as he ran his hand through his hair, "I can't sleep without her! Quite literally." he added, "I'm gonna go get her." he said as he pulled open the front door.

At that, all the brothers and Kayden exchanged glances before springing into action—Tito, Randy, Kayden, Jermaine, and Jackie grabbed onto him in an attempt to hold him back as Marlon blocked him from walking any further.

Marlon held Michael back with a firm grip, shaking his head. "No way, Mike. You know the tradition. You can't see Athena until she walks down that aisle tomorrow."

Kayden sighed, "Michael, no! You can't see her right now!"

Michael struggled against his brothers' hold, desperation clear in his eyes. "But what if something goes wrong? What if she needs me?" he suddenly gasped dramatically, "What if she wants to run away with me to some far-away place?!" he exclaimed before starting to struggle against their hold again, "I need to see her!"

Marlon tightened his grip and shot a knowing look at the other brothers, "No way, Michael. You're not going anywhere tonight."

"But what if she needs me?!" Michael worried, "What if she's having anxiety and she needs me to calm her down?!"

Tito let out a booming laugh and clapped his brother on the back, "Come on, Mike, you know Athena. She's probably sleeping like a baby right now!"

"And if she's not, she's probably up reading a book!" Jermaine added.

"You know she's tough as nails," Jackie added with a chuckle, "She's probably the one keeping Janet and the others in check right now."

"Exactly," Randy chimed in, trying to reason with Michael. "Athena is probably as calm as can be."

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