Chapter 76-Perfecting An Appearance

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"Michael," she whispered, her voice filled with both excitement and apprehension

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"Michael," she whispered, her voice filled with both excitement and apprehension. She answered the call, trying to sound awake and composed.

"Hey, baby," Michael's voice came through the line, warm and familiar, "I've been trying to reach you. Are you okay?"

Athena hesitated for a moment, wondering how much she should reveal about the emotional turmoil she had been going through in his absence. But looking at the picture of him on her bedside table, she knew she couldn't worry him.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Athena laughed, "I took a nap. Didn't hear my phone."

Michael chuckled on the other end of the line, a sound that brought warmth to Athena's heart, "No worries, baby. Just wanted to check in on you. How's everything on your end?"

"Oh, it's good. Adrian complained a few times because I cleaned before she got here," Athena said, "But now I leave a few things out on purpose to make her feel better."

"Always the thoughtful one, aren't you?" Michael's voice held a note of amusement. "I'm glad to hear you're taking care of Adrian. And what about you, Athena? How are you really doing?"

Athena hesitated, torn between wanting to open up to Michael and not wanting to burden him with her struggles while he was on tour.

"I'm good, baby," Athena sighed, "I just started a new book. And I'm working new dance routines."

"That's my girl," Michael's voice was filled with pride, "Always finding new ways to express yourself. I can't wait to see those new dance routines when I get back."

Athena smiled, a genuine warmth spreading through her at his words. "I can't wait for you to see them too, Michael. I miss dancing with you."

There was a brief pause on the line before Michael spoke again, his voice tinged with longing. "I miss dancing with you too, Athena. But soon, we'll be together again and we'll dance like nobody's watching."

As they continued to talk, Athena felt a sense of peace wash over her. Despite the challenges and uncertainties she faced, having Michael by her side—even if only through a phone call—made everything feel a little lighter.

After they said their goodbyes and exchanged 'I love you's, Athena hung up the phone and sat in silence for a moment, reflecting on the whirlwind of emotions that had taken hold of her.

On Michael's end, he had just hung up the phone and scratched his neck in worry. He felt like there was something Athena wasn't telling him. But she had a way of reassuring him everything was fine.

"Bill? Have you heard from Athena?" Michael asked as he turned to his Head of Security.

"She's been sending updates on Neverland to Jerome," Bill nodded, "Everything is fine back home."

Michael couldn't shake off the unease that lingered after his call with Athena. He trusted her completely, but a nagging feeling gnawed at him, telling him that something was amiss. As he continued with his tour preparations, the worry for Athena kept creeping back into his thoughts, distracting him during rehearsals and meetings.

One night, as Michael sat alone in his hotel room after a show, he decided to confide in his longtime friend, Quincy Jones. Quincy had known Michael for years and could always offer sound advice.

"Quincy," Michael began tentatively, "I can't shake this feeling that something's not right with Athena. She says she's fine, but I can sense that she's hiding something from me."

"Michael, you know Athena better than anyone else. If you feel something's off, then it probably is," Quincy advised, "Trust your instincts."

Michael nodded, deciding to reach out to Lionel Richie next, "Lionel, you know Athena pretty well. Do you happen to have some insight into some things I've been noticing?"

Lionel could sense the worry in Michael's voice as he listened to his recount some things he's noticed and paused for a moment before responding, "Michael, Athena is a strong woman—but even the strongest of us need support sometimes. If you feel like she's not opening up to you, maybe it's time to have a heart-to-heart conversation."

A couple weeks later, Michael had to return to Neverland for the Superbowl. Little did he know, Athena had spent the last two weeks perfecting her appearance, making sure that he wouldn't suspect anything when he saw her in person.

"Mikey!" Athena smiled as he came in the front door, "How was the flight?" she asked as she kissed his cheek and walked back to the couch.

"Flight was good, just a little tired," Michael replied, setting his bags down. He looked around the familiar surroundings of Neverland, feeling a sense of peace wash over him at being back home with Athena.

As they settled on the couch, Athena couldn't help but notice the worry lines etched on Michael's face. She reached out and took his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Is everything okay, Michael?" Athena asked softly, searching his eyes for any sign of what was weighing on him.

Michael hesitated for a moment before finally speaking, "Athena, I've been feeling like something's been off with you. You say you're fine, but I can sense that you're not telling me everything."

Athena felt her heart tighten at his words. She had hoped to keep her struggles hidden from him, not wanting to burden him while he was busy with his tour.

When she was about to speak, Jerome came in and announced, "Mr. Jackson, you have to rehearse for the Superbowl."

"You're being summoned. Don't forget your water," Athena smiled, kissing his cheek before disappearing to another area of the house.

Michael watched Athena leave with a pang of disappointment. He knew she was avoiding the conversation he wanted to have, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had been gnawing at him for weeks now. With a heavy sigh, he got up to head to his rehearsal, his mind still preoccupied with thoughts of Athena.

As he ran through his performance for the Superbowl halftime show, Michael couldn't help but feel distracted. His dance moves lacked their usual energy and precision, not that it was noticeable to the crowd.

After the show, Michael retreated to his dressing room, feeling the weight of unresolved tension pressing down on him. He needed to talk to Athena, to know what she was keeping from him. Without another thought, he told Bill he was ready to go home.

"Okay, boss," Bill nodded, "I'll send Jerome to find Athena. I think she was signing stuff for the football players."

"She's autographing?" Michael asked as he looked toward the football players, "I thought she was avoiding me to avoid signing stuff."

"Everything okay between you two?" Bill asked in concern as he set his clipboard aside.

"I found her," Jerome said as he jogged up to the pair, "She's talking to Paul Tagliabue. The Head of the NFL."

Bill furrowed his eyebrows, "He's probably looking for an act for halftime for next year already."

Michael looked up upon hearing that, "Jerome, bring Athena to the car when she is done speaking with Mr. Tagliabue. I need to have a conversation with her," Michael said firmly, his tone indicating that he didn't want to hear an argument, "I'd like to get home soon."

"But, sir—"

"Jerome, go get her," Michael's voice brooked no argument.

Jerome nodded and hurried off to find Athena while Bill stayed behind, watching Michael with a concerned gaze.

When Athena finally joined Michael in the car, she could sense the tension radiating off him. She tried to make small talk, but his curt responses told her that he was not in the mood for idle chatter. So she just left him alone.

When they pulled up to the house, Athena got out of the car, and skipped inside the house.

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